New series!

Jan 07, 2010 01:01

Title: Child of the Moon
Pairing: Artie/Kurt eventual Puck/Artie/Kurt
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Info on trans, angst, fluff, probably smut, Puck being Puck, idiocy, bashing
Summary: Kurt is slowly becoming Kourtney, turning the lives of the glee kids topsy turvy
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.
Notes: HOLY CRAP. A NON-MYTHOLOGY STORY, WHAT!? Doing this for the sheer factor of the lack of genuine fics out there concerning transpersons. They're people too, and they're fighting for equality just like so many other groups. My science may not always be accurate in parts, but I've done my best to research and re-research, so please be patient. I do not mean to offend anyone with this story.

This fic is dedicated to emocezi for being a friend, an unending font of support and knowledge and for her sheer, utter brilliance.

It was a Wednesday when Noah Puckerman first noticed something about Kurt Hummel. Granted, Hummel was always a bit different, Puck never really put any thought into it. It was late November of their senior year. They'd known each other for two years and been friends for just over one. Still, it wasn't like Kurt never got bullied anymore, Lima being a small town and all, it was just that Noah was usually there to help him out of it.

As he was hauling Kurt's petite body out of a snow filled dumpster and brushing off a Burberry coat, he noticed a little something different. Kurt seemed a little... rounder. Not really fat, or anything, just... he didn't seem as completely stick thin.

“You okay, Hummel?”

“Yeah, fine, why?” Kurt was picking out stray ice pieces from his hair as they walked towards the school.

“You seem a little...” Puck trailed off, poking Kurt in the hip to emphasize his point about the sudden plumpness.

“It's nothing.”


The next week, in fact, the very next Wednesday, Puck couldn't help but think there was something strange going on.

Sure Kurt was a little... strange. He wore what he wanted, said what he wanted and did what he wanted and it was obvious he was a fashionista and proud of it. But... A skirt!?

Puck blinked his eyes a few times from his hiding spot by the corner and peered around it, looking at Kurt and Mercedes talking. There was Kurt. In a skirt. And it wasn't a plain simple skirt either, no. It was a black and grey kilt with ruffles and pockets. He was wearing a white blouse with it and a copper toned waist cincher and knee high stockings.

He looked like a chick.

In fact, from the back, with his new 'androgynous' hair cut, Puck, if he was a lesser man, would have been fooled. They were talking and Kurt was gesturing with his hands and Mercedes was laughing and over the noise of the hallway.

Stepping out from behind the corner, Puck strode towards the dynamic duo. Mercedes spotted him and said something rushedly to Kurt before he heard a quiet, 'see you later, girl' and she turned into the crowd and vanished.

“Hey, Hummel,” Puck called, sliding up across from Kurt and leaning against the lockers. Fuck, was that eyeliner and eyeshadow!?

“Hey.” Kurt was gathering his books out of his locker and sliding them into a bag with a fabric print that matched his skirt and had the familiar Saturn with a cross logo that belonged to Vivienne Westwood.

“You look different today,” Puck began, licking his lips. “It's kinda hot.”

Kurt gave a small inhale and a gentle, muffled giggle as his lips curled into a half-smile. “Thanks.”

“So what's with it?”

“Hm? Just trying something new.”

“Never hurts.”

Kurt rolled his eyes and poked Puck in the chest, his eyes flicking to look up at Puck's mohawk'd hair. “You should take your own advice, Noah.”

“Hey, don't diss the hair! You only changed yours this year.” Puck ruffled up the now normally messy hair on Kurt's head to prove a point. Kurt frowned up at him and tried to flatten it a little.

The bell rang, interrupting anything Kurt would have said and he closed his locker, Puck had only a moment to notice that his nails were painted black before his slim fingers wrapped around the designer bag.

“I'm headed to class, I'll see you later?”

“Yeah! Don't forget your sleeping bag, we're having the monthly sleepover in the choir room tonight.”

“I know!”


After Glee dispersed for everyone to go home, grab sleeping bags, pyjamas and movies, they gathered in the choir room, all bustling over which movie to watch first.


“Were the World Mine!”


“What about a non-musical? Mr. Shue brought some comedies and some romance movies...” Rachel said, looking at the bag resting on a chair. She pulled out a few covers, reading them. “Addams Family, Dead Poets Society, Fired Up!, But I'm a Cheerleader, Donnie Darko --”

Rachel didn't even get a chance to finish the list as Puck ripped Donnie Darko from her hands and pulled the BluRay disk out, sliding it into the player and sprawling back onto his air mattress. As the previews played, most people shuffled off to change into their pyjamas.

When they came back, Puck's brows rose in surprise at Kurt's pyjamas. The top was rather simple, it was a black thick strapped tank top, with a picture of the Pink Panther on it and the words 'Paws Off'. The bottoms were a pair of short, shorts that were hot pink with darker pink and black paw prints all over them. Puck wanted to say something but instead he perked up when Mr. Shuester walked through the door, arms filled with take out.

Everyone took their food, eating quietly. Puck watched as Kurt and Artie talked, sharing food, and well... it looked like they were dating. Every so often Kurt would giggle and roll his eyes or say something. They weren't even watching the movie, and how could they not, Donnie Darko was a classic! And it seemed to suit that geek Artie's taste.

Not that he cared.

“How's your burger, dude?” Finn asked, dropping onto the air mattress next to Puck.

“Good.” Puck crammed more food into his mouth. “How's your pizza?”

As Finn rambled on about the cheesiness of his pizza, Puck focused on the movie, laughing every so often.

“They're cute, aren't they?” Rachel's voice sounded in his ear. Puck looked back at her, brow raising before she jutted her chin in Kurt and Artie's direction. “They've been dating for about a month.”

Puck rose a brow, looking back to the two men in the corner of the room, before focusing back on the movie. “Whatever.”

He didn't care about Hummel, everyone knew he was gay. It was shocking that he was with the wheelchair kid though, because he always seemed pretty normal. Puck always thought that Mike and Kurt would end up dating when Mike came out to him at a party last year, but then Mike started dating that Jeffrey kid from Vocal Adrenaline.

It was just weird...

Puck didn't flaunt his heterosexuality. Okay, maybe he did with the baby and everything, but he didn't make out with chicks in front of everyone. Not that Mike and Jeffrey kissed everywhere or that he had ever noticed Kurt and Artie, but... now that he knew, watching them, even the little things, like Kurt brushing away Artie's hair away from his face made him so damn mad.

Brittany leaned over to talk to Kurt, Kurt smiled and said something back before Brittany pulled over a bag of stuff. They rooted through it before Brittany pulled out a bottle of some blue nail polish, Kurt laid back and wiggled his toes before Brittany began painting them. After she was done, he did her toenails and then they proceeded to rub some sort of greenish substance over their faces before sitting and watching as Donnie Darko was exchanged for A Little Mermaid.

After about ten minutes, Kurt and Brittany stood up, Kurt talked with Artie shortly before picking up his bag and then the three of them left.

Good riddance.

After a few minutes, Puck got up to go to the bathroom. He pushed the door open, blinking in shock when he saw Brittany doing cartwheels up and down the the wide line of stalls and urinals. Kurt was sitting on a counter, legs crossed and watching her as he injected himself with something and Artie holding tight to his hand.

“What the hell?”

Brittany pulled out of a cartwheel and smiled at Puck as her ponytail swung back and forth. “Kurt needed to give himself some medicine, so I wanted to make him feel better!”

Puck's eyes darted towards Kurt who was wrapping up the needle in a paper towel and then placing it in a ziplock bag with a red biohazard sign on it. Slowly, he flexed the leg he had injected himself in before standing slowly. He held onto the counter for a moment and Artie clutched his hand.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. The nausea's going away.”

Brittany moved over to Kurt's side and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. “Come on, we'll go sit down.”

They made their way out of the bathroom, Kurt wrapped in Brittany's arms and Artie rolling right behind.

Puck did his business and was washing his hands when something caught his eye. He dried his hands off and walked over to the counter where Hummel had been sitting. He picked up a small glass vial and turned it in his hands. It had Kurt's name and information on it, as well as the name of a doctor that Puck didn't recognize. He turned the small bottle in his hands, wondering what it was for. He found the label, reading the fancy title of the product before noticing a keyword: oestrogen.

Why would Hummel have oestrogen? His mom took it as a pill because of her getting older or something, but as far as he knew, it was a girl thing and not a guy thing.

Pocketing the vial, Puck walked out of the bathroom. When he got back to the room, Artie was resting on Kurt's air mattress and they were snuggling, watching a movie much to the delight of the cooing girls. Puck scowled and threw himself onto his mattress, snatching a bag of chips and scowling at the stupid Disney movie.

He had far too many questions.


It was the next morning, when everyone was packing and Kurt was alone in a corner that Puck finally approached him.



Puck watched as Kurt turned from packing a small bag. He was dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a pale green t-shirt, the shirt had the phrase WHATEVER underneath a silhouette of three couples, one lesbian, one straight, and one gay. It was odd, seeing Hummel in a t-shirt and jeans, even if they were skinny jeans.

“Is this going out?”

Puck looked to Artie, who had rolled up beside them and was pointing to Kurt's bag.


Artie placed the bag in his lap, and said he would meet Kurt by his dad's car before wheeling off, leaving Kurt and Puck the only two left in the choir room.

Puck shifted on his feet, watching as Hummel slid on a pair of high topped sneakers which were in a pair of alarmingly bright purple. He knotted up the laces and then straightened, looking to Puck with an impatient, expectant look on his face.

“What is it, Noah?”

Puck sighed, hitching his backpack up on his shoulder, and then fished the empty vial out of his pocket. “What's with this?”

Kurt's expression shifted, his wide eyes went wider and if possible, he went even paler and swiped for the vial, which Puck had tightly clenched in a fist.

“Why are you taking oestrogen, Hummel?”

“It's none of your business.”

“I thought we were friends.”

“We're not friends, Noah. You just elect not to throw me in a dumpster anymore.”

Puck frowned at that. It was true, to a point. He didn't really care about Hummel, or know anything about him really, but if he was injecting himself with stuff, Puck wanted to know why. Hummel was walking towards the door, and Puck yelled at him to stop, so Hummel stopped, and turned.

“What is it, Puckerman?”

“I want to know why you're taking this.” Puck spun the vial between his fingers, causing the metal atop the glass to catch light, and Kurt's eyes to flash with something almost looking like pain.

“I told you it's none of your business.”

“Well it's something not normal and I care --”

“Really?" Kurt was walking out the door, and he whirled around at the word. "You care?" Kurt took a step backwards, eyes locked on Puck's, hard and cold and almost mean. "Why about this?"

"Because I thought we were friends, and friends talk. Now talk Hummel, or we can go back to the old days." Puck snarled, hand clenching around the vial in his hand.

"You wouldn't understand if someone drew you a picture. I'm already enough of a freak, why not add trans into the mix."

"What the hell is trans?"

"Try google Puckerman, you might learn something." Kurt snarled, and Puck was about to retaliate, but the door swung shut leaving him alone in the empty hallway. His hand clenched around the vial once more before he flung the small bottle against the wall, letting out a cry of rage and frustration.

On the other side of the door, Kurt wiped away his tears before walking off down the hall.


Thank's to emocezi for help with Kourt coming out to Puck.

Part Two

pg-13, author: setos_puppy, multipart wip

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