31 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in January: Day 23

Jan 23, 2012 11:58

Welcome to Day 23 of the 31 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in January! Please post all of today's drabbles here!

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31 days of puckurt drabbles

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Progress gleek_inc January 23 2012, 17:38:13 UTC
Puck hated Sam. Sam got all the credit in the locker room for when Mike and Artie stood up for Kurt but Puck knew the truth. Sam stepped in for them, not for Kurt.

It was easy for Sam. He got to walk into their school and join Glee without too much hassle from the rest of the football team. Sure there were a few slushies but those were nothing. Guys like him and Finn, they took the beatings in practice, the name-calling in the locker room, and the refusal to shower with them long before Sam knew he’d be joining their school. They took it, they realized what Kurt had gone through, and now they protected him. If Sam had lived in Lima with them, he’d be no better than they had been and some days, Puck really wanted to wipe that smug grin off his face. Especially the day Sam walked into the choir room holding Kurt’s hand.

Puck knew though, that Sam was no different from them. Sooner or later he’d break Kurt’s heart. Sam was still the same boy who cheated on Quinn because she cheated on him then acted like he was a good guy. He’d get jealous of Kurt’s friendship with Blaine, or with Mike, or even with his brother, and Sam would cheat. And Puck would be there to pick up the pieces.


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