31 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in January: Day 23

Jan 23, 2012 11:58

Welcome to Day 23 of the 31 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in January! Please post all of today's drabbles here!

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31 days of puckurt drabbles

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Comments 62

First Hit (AU/PG-13) (31 Firsts) lumenbaby January 23 2012, 17:07:30 UTC
Continuation of First Song.

"How could you, Puck!"

I'm pushed out of the way suddenly, and I sprawl to the floor. My hands slap against the tiled floor, and my palms begin to sting with the impact. I blink, unable to understand what just happened. One moment I'm kissing Noah, forgiving him and so happy to be back in his arms, and then I'm on the floor.

"What -?"

A smack sounded around the room. Gasps sprang from mouths.

"Hey!" Finn.

"What the hell?" Artie.

"Uh, what's going on?" Mike.

Noah's next to me in a moment, on his knees, an arm ringing around my waist and pulling me up from the ground. My hands clutch his shirt, my fingers curling into the fabric. His hand slips up my back to cradle my head, fingers splayed on the back of my skull, his wrist holding up my neck.

"Babe, you okay?" he mumbles, using his free hand to stroke my cheek softly. I blink a few times, my head spinning. I'm still confused.

"What happened -?" I squint. Was Noah's cheek red? Reaching out, I trace my finger across his cheek bone. Frowning, I turn to where I stood ( ... )


Re: First Hit (AU/PG-13) (31 Firsts) pterawaters January 23 2012, 18:48:06 UTC
You tell 'em, Puck!


Re: First Hit (AU/PG-13) (31 Firsts) sazzy_kitten January 24 2012, 15:49:05 UTC
Aw, I feel the worst for Kurt. Here he is, enjoying his boyfriends apology and then he starts getting shoved around. But hooray for protective!Puck! :D Loved it, especially hypocritical anger issues. ♥


akigarin January 23 2012, 17:14:20 UTC
a/n: My day count is off, so I'm just going to put the working titles to series instead of days. This is what would happen if someone used a laser pointer in class.

Cats vs. Dogs 2

Puck aimed the laser pointer at Hummel's desk and watched his head swivel around as he followed the little red dot as it flittered across his textbook. When Puck swerved it to the floor, Kurt leapt from his seat to follow it. Unfortunately, Rachel Berry lunged in from his left when he did, and the two of them landed in a tangle on the floor.

"Cat fight!" Finn jumped up, practically quivering with excitement. Puck pulled him back down.

"Chill, Hudson. You're embarrassing."

Finn sat back down. He was such a Dog, it was pathetic. One of the main reasons why McKinley sucked at football was because the team was filled with ones who couldn't control their instincts. The last game, Hudson chased the ball after he'd thrown it and then tackled his own teammate to get it back.

Puck might have been a Dog, but at least he knew how to control himself.


pterawaters January 23 2012, 18:14:19 UTC


duochan_maxwell January 23 2012, 18:16:40 UTC
LOLing here at Finn throwing the ball and going to fetch it and the cats with laser pointer <3


dragons_rage598 January 23 2012, 20:40:29 UTC
Lmao!!! This is great! I hope you plan to do more in this verse, because this is lots of fun.


Progress gleek_inc January 23 2012, 17:38:13 UTC
Puck hated Sam. Sam got all the credit in the locker room for when Mike and Artie stood up for Kurt but Puck knew the truth. Sam stepped in for them, not for Kurt ( ... )


31 Accidents - The Skate - PG pterawaters January 23 2012, 17:58:30 UTC

"Dude," Puck scoffed, leaning down and offering Kurt a hand, "how are you so bad at this?"

"I didn't realize I was supposed to be good at ice skating, Puck," Kurt replied, wanting to pull his hand out of the other boy's, but not feeling steady enough on his skates to do so. He tried willing himself over toward the side of the rink and the railing there, but almost fell again in the process. "My butt is gonna be so bruised," he sighed. "Why did I let you guys talk me into this?"

"Because," Puck replied with a grin, turning on his skates so he was facing Kurt and skating backward, "we were all getting cabin fever and it was either this or riding the subway around for a few hours straight. It's not like any of us has the money for a movie or something."

"I know," Kurt sighed, watching his roommate, Rachel, skate past, hand-in-hand with Finn. "It's just- ack!"

One of Kurt's skates knocked into the other and he almost went down, except Puck grabbed him close and helped him regain his balance, puffing hot breaths against Kurt's wind-chilled ( ... )


Re: 31 Accidents - The Skate - PG dragons_rage598 January 23 2012, 20:38:50 UTC
I know how Kurt feels! I can roller skate just fine, but I don't have the ankle strength to roller blade. And mean old Puck just laughing at him. I love that last image of Kurt scowling up at Puck, very nice!


Re: 31 Accidents - The Skate - PG akigarin January 24 2012, 13:10:01 UTC
Awwww, cute.


31 Days of Mythological Creatures sazzy_kitten January 23 2012, 18:26:46 UTC
Twenty-three: Hobbit ( ... )


Re: 31 Days of Mythological Creatures iskra667 January 23 2012, 18:52:49 UTC
ah ah! Blainers is kind of cute in this :)


Re: 31 Days of Mythological Creatures sazzy_kitten January 25 2012, 03:19:17 UTC
He tries. P:


Re: 31 Days of Mythological Creatures dragons_rage598 January 23 2012, 20:36:50 UTC
Ha ha, very nice. I like when Puck gets all MINE about Kurt. Very wise of Blaine to back away since Puck could punt his ass back to his home.


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