Jun 18, 2006 22:43
It was my cousins birthday today in Halifax and she decided to have a shooting party and a picnic at the fountain (they own a lot of land, including the castle carr estate which the fountain was part of). So off we went to where the shoot was taking place. I wasn't gonna do it because i though i would just embarress myself, however they convinced me to do it. So i went clay pigeon shooting...with a shotgun lol (not an automatic), the gun was absolutely massive and really kicked back into your shoulder when it went off. We had howard and phillip tutoring us (they were excellent teachers) and first we were shooting the clay pigeon straight on when it came from behind us, we had five shots and unfortunately i didnt manage to hit any but neither did a lot of other people (plus it was my first time holding a gun never mind shooting one lol). The second round was shooting the clay pigeon coming straight at you but you had to follow it around (it went in a curve) with your gun and i managed to hit two (out of five):D, apparently they both really exploded lol. I actually really enjoyed it, and it was different.
Then we had a pinic at the fountain (it was raining though, only the brits have pinics in the rain lol), the fountain is absolutely beautiful and went really high, i would love to own such beautiful land.
We then went back to the farm to have a bbq (again it was raining lol so howard did it in his garage lol) and i was asked to feed the lambs, i love having the job, they have to be one of the cutest animals, one of them was only two weeks old. The also have a duckling that lives in the house, how cute lol.
Anyway that was my day, i hope you all had a good day!