I got my tax return! (And thank the Wave Existence--since work's been pretty much zip lately, and my ISP is set to take payments out of my bank account, the bank was cheerfully draining out money I didn't have. (Incidentally, if they hadn't had that stupid "hold $10 in your account" rule, I wouldn't've been overdrawn. Nice scam.))
Also got back into posting images at deviantART after a months-long funk.
There was something else...what was it...?
Oh, I tried making orange juice floats a little while ago. Oddly, no matter how much you stir, when there's still orange juice at the bottom, it just tastes like orange juice, no ice cream flavor. When you finish the juice itself, though, then it starts tasting like a creamsicle.
And nothing else springs to mind. O.o Wow, my life is dull. XD
Edit: Oh yaaaaaah. Now I know what I forgot to mention:
I have found my religion! :D :D :D