Jul 03, 2009 16:13
"Pharmaceutical Case"
These are actually stacks of documents of an on-going case, in which lawyer man gave me the whole file to review.
On paper, it is a simple case--a fight over intellectual property rights. But because I've never sat in on a client meeting for this, I don't have the details.
Basically, Man left his original company (A) and took lots of employees with him and literally "stole" trade secrets to form his own company (B).
Company A is suing the guy becuause they've suffered a large lose of revenue from the clients that the Man took with him, as well as the fact that they only have half of their orginal work force left.
"Water Acquisition Case"
A foreign company is trying to purchase the right to distribute water in a smaller town (dont know where) from the local municipal company.
This one is actually just drawing up the contract/agreement, listing all the points of interests, and making this a legit deal.
It lists out how the foreign company plans on distributing the water, for how much, what the municipal company will get in return.
"Import/Export Case"
I actually sat in on a small meeting for this one, in which the representative from the company came by to drop off some more "evidence" that will contribute to the case.
Basically the mother company (based in Germany), has outsourced factories in Shenzhen/Pearl River Delta. These are called OEM = Original Equiptment Manufacturer, which means that these factories make the parts, put them together, etc. The company then sells it to a buyer along the manufacturer line. The buyer, in this case, has refused to pay up the invoices that they ordered, citing poor product quality. However, the manufacturer has alreay sent the shipments out, and is demanding that the buyer pony up that dough, i.e. pay for the stuff. So the manufacturer is taking this case to court.
law cases