Hello!! I want to thank all the people for their kindness and the little time they spent to send some kind of present or a simple "omedetou" ^^
I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart *bows*
Unfortunately, this year I don't have a oven so I couldn't make a cake. Instead, I had to buy one. Sugoku oishi but I wish I made one myself... xD
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生日快樂 (haha sorry i use traditional hope that's ok)
I was waiting for you to post something or else I would have send you a message.
Good thing you posted ^^
I miss talking to you T.T
Hope you have an AWESOME day !!!
The cake looks so yummy :p
Love the more chinese style cakes XD
I miss talking to you too!! (If I weren't so busy ^^')
And chinese style cakes definitely are delicious. I prefer their fillings instead of the western ones (because I really hatecustard or something like that).
And don't worry about the chinese characters. Actually I know more traditional than simplified... xD
Everyone's been too busy lately @.@
Really I love custard but the western kinds are usually cheap and put whip cream instead :(
But yeah the chinese kinds are awesome.
Cool traditional chinese rules haha!!!
And traditional chinese rules *high 5*
Although the simplified ones are much easier to write, I still prefer the traditional ones ^^
Well we all have or preferences.
My family (except mom) are custard people.
My dad love cream puffs especially but not the lame american cheap kind with whip cream >.<
It's difficult to find ones with custard.
Need to find Asian stores haha.
Yeah that's the good thing about chinese cakes, more furits !!!
Yes *high 5* to awesome traditional chinese.
I can't really read simplified ones unless it's in a sentence or some words that's not totally different from the traditional ones.
There's some words that they simplified so much that it's ridiculous @.@
Anyways good thing with learned traditional ones !!!
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