The Last of Its Kind

Oct 19, 2007 11:27

I turn 29 today. On this day next year I'll be 30. It's a sad thing, the realisation that one will no longer be considered to be in their "twenties". Realistically nothing changes but yet still, everything changes. Why is that? Damn the social culture that fed the belief that the big 3-0 is the end all of all things young, dynamic, and irresponsible, whilst telling us that seeing as we're in our 30s, it's time to grow up, be an adult, and act in a manner becoming.

It could be alot worse I guess, having a face of a child and an aptitude for all behaviours irresponsible, I could still fool myself into thinking I'm younger than I am come that day. But soon it'll be time to think of a family, to lay bed to all the pranks, and start behind a "serious" sorta husband and father figure. I'm in two minds of whether I'm currently prepared for that. I want it but yet, don't want it.

List of things I wanted to do by the age of 30:
- Hit double digits of women I've slept with (obviously out the window now... damn... so close- Fail)
- Jump out of a plane (Done)
- Bungee Jump (Done)
- Travel (Done)
- Travel (Not Done)
- Have a menage a trois (Fail)
- Buy a performance sports car (Fail- Not viable anymore)
- Date a hot white chick (By date I meant sexually ravage- Fail)
- Overseas volunteer charity work (Fail- Not viable)
- Start own business (Done)
- Get Married (Done)
- Have first child (Fail- probably a relief)
- Work in a job I truly love (Done)
- Work in a job that I truly have passion for (Fail- Passion and Fun are different. For me passion = humanitarian)
- Get Boat licence (Possible)
- Get Pilots licence (Fail)
- Get Motorcycle licence (Done)
- Own a Motorcycle (Done)
- Have my own place (Done)
- Have kickass home theatre system (Done)

There are probably more, but that's just off the top of my head. Sigh..... Well tonight the Wife is taking me out to a fancy dinner and then my best mate and his girlfriend coming over to stay with us from Canberra for the weekend. Should be good fun.

I don't wanna be 30 next year... *cry*


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