
May 25, 2009 23:01

Tonight, whilst on the way to dinner with the in-laws (Two Chefs again), we were startled by two cats that suddenly began fighting. They were meowing at hissing and spitting at each other before lashing out with one finally doing the runner. The other cat bolted straight after it until one of them disappeared into a drainage pipe. The antagonist whom was doing the chasing, just sat on the edge of the pipe and kept peering in, keeping guard for when the other cat decided to exit.

It was hilarious. I actually chased after them for a bit to see more before they got to the hole. It got me thinking, why do I find it so amusing when cats fight, whilst it's kinda scary watching the same with two dogs. And then I realised... Why is it so amusing when two chicks get into a fight, it's kinda sad and boof headed watching two guys duke it out?

I have no idea, but what a totally apt coincidence! With cats, no matter how much they hiss, claw, and spit at each other, just never seem to do any obvious damage (granted that I've never had two cats at a time before, and most of the cat fights I've seen usually resulted in one bolting into the distance). It's just a lot of noise, a lot of clowning around, but at the end of the day, nothing really happens. It's like a whole lotta fuss but no harm! It may as well be one of those cartoon fights with a cloud floating around the place with random arms and legs coming out of it. With dogs, it always ends up nasty!

Watching chicks fight is entertaining. Sure it's kinda brainless, but yet... still... it just seems like for all that fuss, bother, slapping, clawing, hair pulling, shirt ripping (woo!), and unintelligible shrieking, nothing really comes of it after. The most these two cat fight contestants end up with is just a tangle of tussled hair, a red handprint across the face, and perhaps a torn bra strap (woo!). Oh, and definitely a lot of appreciative cheers... most definitely.

Two guys in a tangle of fisticuffs, not quite the same. It's kinda nasty and there's usually some serious damage getting dished out. Same as dogs. Sigh... women... such strange and wonderful creatures. The only ones whom can make physical combat so damn sexy.... like pillow fights. Mmmm... pillow fights....


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