Apr 05, 2007 12:13
Easter is overrated. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate so it doesn't do anything for me. It harks me back to the days when I used to work at Cadbury Schweppes. I was also the OH&S representative for the IT Department so this would involve touring various areas of the site, and pointing out hazards to the relevant department or line managers.
It was always great when I did my rounds of the factory/production floor where all the chocolate is made. Its always great sneaking freshly cooked wafers off the production line and into my mouth. Of course, its a sackable offence... if you get caught :) But ohh so yum and tasty when you get away with it. Fresh chocolate bars of all types straight off the production line... yum. But seeing as I'm not crazy about chocolate, it was a wasted opportunity to gorge myself silly as I only took some on occasion.
Easter was always a treat as its quite fun to watch the easter egg line in action. Watching the two halves of the mini eggs stamped together is somewhat hypnotic. Good times.... Although the time we saw footage on the security cam of a guy on the production line sneezing onto the chocolate wasn't!
I miss my time at Cadburys. No better way to bribe and obtain female favour than we chocolates. Like the time I brought 6 kilos of Cadbury Favourites to a church camp.... Ohh the attention :) Good times....