Taking care of Business

Dec 06, 2008 01:00

And farewell Australia it is!!! For now anyway. Under normal circumstances, I'd dread boarding an 8 hour flight across that huge expanse of arid land before crossing the ocean and landing on the front door of that gigantic oversized glorified shopping plaza that is Singapore. Well, maybe not the boarding bit. I get all excited like a new puppy at heading to the airport, shopping for magazines, then boarding the flight for takeoff. But once the seatbelt signs click off, it's boredom central for the next 8 hours.

However this time would be different. This time.... we're flying Business!!! Woohoo!!! Flying the new Singapore Airlines Business (or Raffles) Class is something I've always wanted to do, but never thought I'd get to. Under normal circumstances, unless your company is footing the bill or you're suffering a medical condition that results in the chronic defecation of $100 bills, it's safe to say that the majority of the Earth walking populous wouldn't fly Business out of their own pocket. Sadly, I fall into that category.

I'm simply just another girl in this cruel material world. Well... boy actually, but I couldn't get that to rhyme. Anyhoo, that doesn't apply to us this time!!! This time, we get to travel like kings!!! Or well... like normal business travellers :P

No a rich family member didn't pass away, no we didn't win the lottery, and no we didn't hogtie and burgle a treasure chest guarding leprechaun at the bottom of a rainbow. We stole my father-in-law's frequent flyer points!!! Woohoo!!! Zing!!! My FIL does heaps of international travel for work and as such racks up a fair whack of points. Points that Erica gleefully took a hose to and syphoned it all our way :) No we didn't redeem full tickets, but only took enough to upgrade our existing economy tickets to Business.

And so that's the simple story of how a simple lad and lass travelled way beyond their means. Anyhoo, now for the good bits. One of the bonuses of flying Business, is that you don't have to join the long queue of all those travelling in cattle class. We get to join the short queue and only endure the most minimal of waits, barely any at all. Another bonus was that instead of a 20kg allowance, we get 30kg. In our case, we got 40kg because we told them we were relocating. So given that we had 100kg of luggage, we only had to pay for 20kg instead of 40... whew!

Further more, we get express clearance through immigration because we get to use the express counter.... if it had been open that is. Sydney Airport being what Sydney Airport is, and that being gay as aids, the express counter was closed and so we had to join the writing masses and slowly shuffle our way towards the normal counters. Lucky us got stuck behind this family of 3 whom were trying to get through immigration without having a boarding pass, ignoring the 100 billion signs that said "Boarding Pass required" and trying to argue with the lady at the counter whom went "Ummm... you need a boarding pass" and pointed at the zillions of signs for effect. Hooray for literacy!

And finally we're clear and off to relax in the lounge!!!

The Singapore Airlines Business Class Lounge

As opposed to Ruffles Class, where you get to travel in an sealed foil bag for extra freshness

Now I've only been in a funky airline lounge with free food once in my life, and that was when my FIL got us into the First Class Lounge during a trip to Taiwan from Singapore 2 years ago. No, we were flying cattle class, and him business, but because he's a priority passenger he gets to enjoy the such perks as access to the First Class Lounge. The business class lounge was pretty nice. With free food, free wi-fi, plenty of space, and semi-comfy chairs, one doesn't have much to complain about compared to the alternative. And by that alternative I mean the general lounge at the boarding gate of course, not the first class lounge!!!

The Lounge

The Trough

I pigged out like a throat gagging bulimic against my better judgement. Hoeing down triple servings of chicken wings, dim sums, and various other things. And because I obviously didn't have enough fat already clogging my arteries, I rounded off that bout of what can only described as the sheer and gratuitous abuse of what is considered to be a free service, with 2 wedges of camembert and 1 of edam.

As much as I told myself to save room for the aircraft meals, which I was hoping to be good as it was business, instinct just took over and the food shovel went into overdrive. As far as the food was concerned, it was really nothing to write home about. The grilled chicken wings were actually surprisingly good but aside from that, everything else was pretty meh..... It was more the novelty of it all that got me all hot and bothered than the actual quality of what was on offer.

Round 1

A more eclectic combination of food there never was

Our flight was delayed by an hour and so we just chilled and relaxed, enjoying the food and free wi-fi. Actually, for me, I was more just winding down from the events of what had up until then been quite a horrible day. Hence, resulting in this potty mouthed post as an act of cathartic relief.

Finally our plane was ready for boarding and it was time to hop onto flight SQsomethingorother. The first thing I can say is..... wow! Okay I tell a lie. Initially when I boarded I mistook the first class for business and that was when I said "Wow!". It was only when I kept shuffling along towards my allocated seat that I realised my mistake and went "Oh....". That being said, that moment of disappointed only lasted a fraction of a section and then it was excitement to the max all over again. I mean... just checking out pics of the BC seats is one thing, actually sitting in them is another!!!

The seats are so damn wide you could easily sit two hot asian girls side by side, or two not so hot asian boys whom probably couldn't throw (or catch) a ball to save their lives, but yet could probably recite pie to 125 decimal places. These bad boys were incredible. With pockets and storage bins all over the place, and a TV double the size of the ones in economy, life in the business lane was oh so sweet.

Seats for the... portlier man

Much cooler and funkier controller than the one in economy

Erica messing around with the P&S

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

The flight was kicked off with a glass of champagne, which I swear looked more like a urine sample in the cabin light than a glass of sparkling. The stewardess then came along to take our drinks orders in advance which would be served after take off. Which leads me to a point that I feel I must mention. For the first time.... EVER, I actually saw hot stewardess's!!! Okay, well maybe not hot, but pretty in the very least. Singapore Airlines has this reputation, or perhaps more of a stereotype, that most of it's airline hostesses are hot. I was raised with this belief in mind, in fact, a Sydney journalist had once described Singapore Airlines as being like a "massage parlour in the sky".

So when I first started travelling on SIA post puberty I kept a keen eye out for these sirens of the skies.... only to be disappointed time... after time... after time. Okay don't get me wrong, I'm not being mean, I'm just calling it as I see it. I mean, it's actually a good thing when you think about it, equal opportunity and all, but well. A reputation IS a reputation and you can't blame a hot blooded young male for trying to check out the goods. I'm used to flying Qantas for work travels and unfortunately most of the stewardesses there are old enough to be my mum. Yargh.....

Anyway I digress. This was the first time I've seen attractive stewardesses doing their thing on my flight. Until then, the only examples that have lent credence thus far to these rumours are ex-stewardesses like michannat and Erica's cousin Paulene whom I personally think are quite attractive. I'm glad I'm now finally able to remove the stereotype from the list that currently still contains Bigfoot, the Lochness Monster, and non nagging wives :)

Suspect looking champers

A very tasty cocktail I can't remember

Wow... it's like... I almost feel civilised!

Dinner was served about 45mins into the flight and though I was still pretty stuffed from the lounge buffet, did my utmost best to scoff all the food down. The entree was a seafood salad with a choice of 2 sauces. I can't remember what it was that I chose, but it had garlic in it. I actually quite enjoyed it, the the sauce being quite tasty and the seafood fresh enough to remove any fears of a mid-flight toilet rush. Erica on the other hand wasn't so lucky. Her prawns were actually still frozen solid and she had to request a replacement bowl.

Looking at the mains right now.... I realise that I can't remember all that much about them except that as much as it wasn't too bad, it wasn't great either. One was a peppered lamb I think and the other was roasted fish wrapped in pancetta. Both average, and both not very memorable. I guess business or economy, at the end of the day airline food is airline food. Unless you're in First Class, then you'll probably get just slightly better food and a free hand job to go with it to give you the illusion that it's like the best food ever.

Seafood Salad

Lamb and mash

Roasted fish wrapped in pancetta

Fig Ice Cream

Selection of cheeses and fruits

For dessert we had Fig Ice Cream which just tasted weird to me as I'm not a huge fan of fig. I did however polish off the fromage platter in style. All this food just left us in a state of lethargy and so it was time to convert those comfy comfy seats into full flat beds. Ahhh.... fully flat beds in the sky. It's like a dream come true, being able to sleep completely flat whilst on a long flight.... unless you're 6 foot plus because then well... it sucks to be you right now.

The beds when folded fully flat require you to eight sleep diagonally or curl up into the foetal position, both of which come naturally to me. Being a shortie, it's all really the same and the bed fits me perfectly. With a few pillows propped under the head, I just couldn't believe I could be that comfortable on a flight. And so I relaxed and watched the very entertaining movie "The Dark Knight" and the not so entertaining korean action movie "Eye for an eye". And then it was snoozeville all the way.....

Unfolding the fully flat bed

Diagonal sleeping position

Comfy Factor = Max

I just couldn't believe how quickly time had passed and by the time I woke up, it was just over an hour left until we arrived in Singapore. No back aches or shoulder aches, no cramping whatsoever or need for incessant whinging.... Talk about a different! It was also time for supper to be served. I wasn't hungry in the least but figured... what the heck. I had a spaghetti carbonara whilst Erica had some asian noodle thing. Both also quite forgettable. I noticed they served a wedge of lemon with my carbonara... I thought that was a tad strange. I mean.... lemon... spaghetti carbonara... wtf?

Spaghetti Carbonara

Asian noodle dish of some description

And that was basically it!!! This may very well be the first and last time I ever fly the SIA Business Class but I can tell you now that I've been well and truly spoilt forever. I don't know how I'm ever going to go back to flying cattle. I could easily spend double the flight time comfortably on board, sleeping through most of the flight if I so choose. But unfortunately I don't think that will happen again anytime soon. Our ticket is a return and so we have one more trip to again enjoy the above luxuries but unfortunately after that... it will be all wailing babies, cramping legs, and squeezing across laps to go to the toilet all over again. It will be tough but hopefully.... there'll be hot hostess eye candy to make it all better :D

the move, food

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