Well, this is it. No more posts from me. I've run out of interesting things to say. That is, until I discover time travel, or find the nazi gold I'm positive is buried somewhere in the comic shop.
I'll often visit my friends page and comment when I can. I might even update my info page every now and again.
For now, anyone can check out my webcomic;
Joyful Torment @ Comic Genesis -
http://jtorment.comicgenesis.com Thanks to all of you who had bothered to read this. And an especially big thanks to Jimbob (a.k.a. Mad Cow) for giving me the chance to start this LJ (before it became a little less beta and every 13-year-old got one). Who knows, maybe in the near future I'll come back?
Or become a myspace user?
Not fucking likely! XD
Oh, and one last bit of news to leave on; towards the end of the year there will be an addition to our little family. Tyler will have a brother or sister. :)