Ruminations on Trek, contemplations on beloved pudge

May 16, 2013 21:05

Hope all my Trekkish flisters lucky enough to go, enjoyed the premiere or are looking forward to the film. I caught this review which claims to be spoiler-free, but I caught a couple (although I'm one of those people who doesn't care about being spoiled) and I'm rather ambivalent. I liked the first reboot, although I didn't see it until two years after the film came out and I didn't feel like I missed much to have waited. I feel the same about this one. I might accompany my beloved if she wants to see it, but I'm just as happy to wait for the film to come out on DVD.

No doubt we'll discuss it tomorrow. We're flying again, this time from Tampa to San Jose where we'll be for a day or so and then back home. Not looking forward to it, as it's near 100F at our Hacienda. That means lung and joint misery as both adjust to the change, along with the usual post-travel flare which is never fun. Will have to focus on other things to distract myself. Like this:

Lovably pudgy shots of Alan at Q&A for Gambit

courtesy of snapealanrickman

and we admit we'd be more than happy to undo his tight button/s... ;-)

So please do feel free to send any such links! ;-)

Will post again when I can. Until then, I hope you all enjoy your week-end, whatever you end up doing.

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update, alan rickman, florida, fandom

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