Apr 10, 2006 13:36
I'm going to have to rethink my lunchtime smoothie. That 20 ounces of fruity goodness with a protein boost is throwing my calories all the fuck outta whack. Without it, I'll have had 683 calories and 33 grams carbs for the day. With it, I'm at 1109 calories and something over 100 carbs for the day...sweet jesus. 130 calories in the protein scoop they give you and it only has 7 grams of protein in it...wtf??
I was trying to think of something interesting to write about in the way of my post-op progress for the purposes of observation (both other people's and my own for later) and decided on the temperature things that have changed.
Pre-op, I was always hot. Always. Didn't matter what was going on, I was hot. The back of my neck and behind my ears would get all sweaty and ick and I was just miserable and so was my husband because he's the opposite and I was forever either opening windows when they didn't need to be opened or turning on the a/c when it had no business being on.
I had heard about this "transformation" as a pre-op and couldn't quite believe it could happen on such a drastic level, or at least not as quickly as others said it would. Sure, I hoped it would but I had serious doubts.
Holy Buckets! I am cold all the fucking time. Like right now. It is 65 degrees outside...the sun is shining brightly in the early spring sky and the heat is still on in the building. I work in the basement so we are in relatively close proximity to the heating system that has to work for all 33 floors of this building. Consequently, when it starts to warm up outside, it is always roasting down here. Everyone has been walking around for the last 3 or 4 (working) days saying how hot it is down here. When I went to cover the receptionist desk while the girl up there today went to lunch, I had to turn the fan off because she had it on because she said she was hot. My fan has not been on once since October. I'm cold right now. Not freezing cold, but I could use like a sweater or something, and everyone is walking around today talking about how they are so hot. It will be interesting to see what happens come summer. I cannot wait to see :)