(no subject)

Jun 05, 2004 12:55

Here it is peace Current mood: relaxed Current music: Joe
Playing the guitar Current taste: Colgate tooth paste
Current hair: wet from shower Current clothes: Shorts
And button down shirt annoyance: nothing Current
Smell: Clean air Current thing ought to be doing: Hitting
On the life guards Current windows
Open: ZoneAlarm, NotePad, Netscape Current favorite band:
Have to look Current crush: no one: Do I: Smoke? no
Do drugs? no Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no
Remember your first love? Read the newspaper?: no Have
Any gay or lesbian friends? yea Believe in miracles?:
Yes believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?
Yes consider yourself tolerant of others? no Consider
Love a mistake? no Like the taste of alcohol?: never had
Never and probably never will believe in astrology? yep
Believe in magic? no Believe in God?:Yea Have any pets?:
Yes 4 cats but we are keeping one till it gets older
It’s a kitty. Go to or plan to go to college: Yes after
The MARINES have any piercing? no Have any tattoos?:
Not yet hate yourself: no has an obsession? no Have a
Crush? Didn’t I get asked this just before? Do they know?
Yet? no Wish on stars?: not yet maybe I should try that
Care about looks? Yes but don’t care what people think
About me: Love life: Single or attached? nope Ever
Been in love? nope Do you believe in love at first
Sight? maybe I aint shore Do you believe in "the one?":
Yeah: Juicy stuff: Have you ever played a game that
Required removal of clothing? no Have you ever been
Intoxicated? nope Favorite place to be kissed?:ass hole
Lol Have you ever been caught "doing something?” no Are
You a tease? I guess Shy to make the first move? Yep
::: WORD ACCOSIATION: Rubber: condom Rock: a big bolder
Green: grass Wet: water Peanut: dumbo Hay: horses Cold:
Ice Steamy: boiling Fast: car Freak: Rain: -water Bite:
Cookie: APPEARANCE: Hair: brown skin Eyes: Brown
Height: 5"6: LAST THING YOU: Bought: doghnutsAte &
Drank: Gatorade and eggs Read: moves make the man Watched
On TV: a movie and feel asleep: EITHER / OR: club or
House party: house party cats or dogs: dog single or
Taken: single pen or pencil: pencil gloves or mittens:
Gloves food or candy: food cassette or codec coke or
Pepsi: coke this or that: This: WHO DO YOU WANT TO?
Kill: Gloria and kids that think there thought look like:
I am lakeside avoid: no one: LAST PERSON YOU:
Talked to: Joe hugged: MOM instant messaged: Sadclown
Kissed: MOM called: Idk: WHERE DO YOU: eat: living
Room cry: my bed wish you were: Woodward goes most often:
Riding: HAVE YOU EVER: Dated one of your best
Friends? No Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes
Drank alcohol? No Broken the law: yes run away from
Home? No Broken a bone? Yes Played Truth or Dare? No
Kissed someone you didn't know? Yea been in a light-year
Came close to dying? No: WHAT IS: Your bedroom like?
Posters and computer your favorite thing for breakfast?
BEC Your favorite restaurant? olive garden . While my
Food is being cooked I go to the potty: WHO: Is your
Number one best friend? Joe Do you admire the most?:idk
Do you trust the most? Joe Do you think you are most
Like? Adam sander Has the biggest heart?: mom Will be
The most successful: FOR ANOTHER DAY Pisses you off the
Most? ED on my bus Is the funniest?: o keeve and josh
Knows you the best? Joe Do you hate the most? Gloria no
One else has the nicest parenst? joe’s mom Who Would
You run to if you had nowhere else to run? Joe
::: RANDOM QUESTIONS: What's on your bedside?
Table? Piggy bank, Radio What do you eat when you raid
The fridge late at night? cookies,soda What is your
Biggest fear? Ding in my sleep Are you a pyromaniac? HELL
YEA Describe your bed: Blue, red and checkers or plain?
Spontaneous do you know how to play poker? no What do
You carry with you at all times? A knife and a heart
Filled with hate what do you miss most about being?
Little? sleeping all morning Are you happy with your
Whets the fucking quoting what was the last song you
Were listening to? Do people sometimes annoy you? Yes
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? Yes
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