Jun 04, 2004 17:57
No more S.S testing to day.Yesterday me,bill o and josh got introuble in math with Mrs.K and she doesn't like us talking in math class to each other.So today i was hagning around josh and bill and she yells at me oh yea she called josh stupid for asking for a box lol.So i went back to my seat and i relized i need elmers glue which i needed the day before and she told me to ask billy tomorrow which is today friday.So as i was asking him she yells at me and says your have to stay after school today and i was like i am not ganna go,so she said "go to the deans office" So i did and then she rote me up and i was like in the deans office this is bullshit im not ganna go and mrs teits said"well then you will have to detentions and then more and it will go to the high school.So what ever i don't knwo when i have it but it will be soon.Then i went to town with joe g and i came back and my bro's new 95 mustange was there adn we took a ride he goes fast, and we saw his friends.So it was fun