The Yankees have a big rotation, and by big I mean they could *be* Research and Development

Apr 05, 2012 14:31

Have finished Mass Effect 3.  It punched me in the gut repeatedly, and is really well done.  The sound is amazing, especially the sequences where one leaves Earth.  Also, wrapped up Logos.  The level of epic in my head was at radical levels for a while.  Then add crowleycrow's Endless Things on top of it.  Oooof.

My mom visited, and it was excellent to catch up- the day before I'd seen my cousin velvetfootsteps and a friend of hers.  Soon she'll finish grad school, and I will be old.

After all that, I had a frantic housing search, and found a place in Somerville that is a heck of a lot less expensive.  With a parking space to boot!  It's near Porter, so Mareep is decently satisfied.  Need to get lease copy and start figuring out the move-logistics (hired movers, they will disassemble/reassemble my bed, we'll see how it goes...)

I'm thinking of running another tabletop based on the Persona/Shin Megami Tensei games.  Know of anyone who might be interested in playing?  Or anyone who likes to help building systems?  Let me know.

goldfishsara lent me Delany's Babel-17, and it's a fun quick read.

Baseball season has started!  Yaaay!

New music of note- new Mars Volta album, Epica's Requiem for the Indifferent (Zenga Zenga!), and And One put out a wacky EP very recently (different lineup than for Tanzomat).  I've been working a little on a cover tune since Logos ended, but my lack of expertise with percussion kits is hilarious.

music, game, baseball, books

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