A holiday over

Jul 06, 2008 22:09

We're back to Budapest after spending a week in Ági's parents' house in Szeged. They were not there for the whole time, for they've taken a trip to Egypt, but still, we had a wonderful time there all by ourselves. Swimming in the Maros-holtág right in the back of the yard, taking Boszi to a wide variety of places, shopping for shoes and eating a lot of ice-cream - and eating a lot, anyway - make me feel homesick now that we are back to work, chores, worries, riots and dirty, stinking streets... :(

Yesterday we attended Betti's (Ági's sister) graduation ceremony - she got a degree in dietethics. It was an awfully boring ceremony in the breathtaking Művészetek Palotája, and as I was sitting there, I felt like I was never gonna make it to this point. Sigh. I just can't see myself doing it, but I hope I will.

Good news is that I dug up my Parabuthus (the thicktail) scorp from under two inches of concrete-solid, dried out hot sand it dug itself in some two months ago. I was afraid that it would be dead (I have a history with insects that dig themselves in and turn up dead when I go after them), but to my greatest surprise, it came out twice as big, twice as thin (no food for two months, imagine), and with a tail three times thicker. And in it's little burrow next to it was its old skin, neatly put down! I'm so glad it finally molted that it poured some enthusiasm about terraristics back into me in these busy, overworked, crazy days.

So this has been a very wonderful week, and the best in it was that I even found time to cuddle up with Ági a lot. I don't think I would ever forget that I'm in love with her, but I don't say weeks like this don't help me remember it, either. ;)

(Oh, and I realized that a Filter album has finally been published in May, yeah yeah yeah! I've just started listening to it, but it already sounds brilliant!)

pets, Ági, university, music, holiday

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