Nov 18, 2009 00:55
I had an interesting weekend. Friday my brother had some people over, and we were just hanging out, when three of his friends take off for Russian Dumplings, leaving my brother and two others here. The four of us are just talking and offhandedly I mention how funny it would be if the four of us just take off and don't tell the other three. And my brother goes, "Let's go to Seattle! I'm serious! Let's go!"
So the four of us hop into the car around 11ish and take off for Seattle, calling people to meet up with when we get there. About fifteen minutes after hopping into the car, my brother goes, "Dude, guys, I can't believe we're actually doing this!" And then about halfway there, the car starts fogging up hella bad. Like, the only place that we can actually see the freeway is this little oval in the center of the windshield, so we pull over and finally it starts to go away (but not after rolling the windows down). It turns out that Benji turned on the AC instead of the warm air. >_<
Oh spontaneous trips. How I love them. We ended up getting back around 3am, but it was totally worth it.
Sunday I went to an amazing play called "Polaroid Stories" and it was loosely based off Greek myths, so of course I loved it.
Afterwards I went to my friend Tommy's to play some games and ended up playing a Japanese version of 13 (loosely) called Daifugo. It's so addicting.
Monday we ended up not having school until 12 because of the power being out all throughout Western. It was nice to have a break. Today was Japan Night, which was actually quite surprisingly fun.
Now for the boring part. This really only for my reference because I am seriously not expecting anyone on my friend's list to get me something for Christmas.
1. Movies - Definitely, Maybe; Up, Star Trek, The Dark Knight, Slumdog Millionaire, The Proposal, The Hangover, Mallrats
2. TV Shows - How I Met Your Mother (Season 1/2/3/4), Dead Like Me (Season 2), Rob and Big (Season 3), Lost (Season 2/3/4)
3. SLR Camera
4. web-cam
5. New phone
6. plant for my bathroom
7. CDs - ...