I've honestly been playing too much of the Cokes, WHOOPS. The kids may or may not already be in college. But of course, I'm too half-assed to make a double update. Bah. Don't worry, I've decided to keep myself from their lot until I'm all caught up~
Ewan: Kids, I’m intimidating, right? I mean, I can scare the piss out of an old man coach by doing this, so…
Juila&Sydney: … -headcrib-
Ewan: … is that a yes?
Fleur: Hey mom, could you help me with my homework? I asked Cassius earlier but he’s terrible at math.
Sara: -is too distracted by Ewan’s hot dorkiness-
Fleur: ... are you even listening?
I couldn’t resist taking this picture, it’s just so adorable~
Damnit, Ewan. I specifically told you to GARDEN, not play in the leaves! Playful sims, sheesh…
Ewan: -puts trash down on the floor-
Ewan: -so he can screw his hot wife-
DAMNIT, EWAN! A+ parenting on leaving trash by a toddler who knows no better than to stick it into her mouth and choke on it. /:
Good lord, why do you want to drive? I know Ewan and Sara are less than stellar parents, but they're not THAT bad to warrant getting the hell out of there.
ANARCHY grew up into a pretty adult dog~
Sara still loves her more than her own kids. -_-;
Fleur: DAAAAAD! Look, I got this AWESOME grade to show off to you! You can’t see it while you’re in that silly box of yours, so come out, alright~? :DDD
Ewan: Who the hell is shouting?
Fleur: -gasp- IT AWAKENS!
(Side Note: It looks like that money on the back of Fleur's shirt is staring into my soul.)
This picture is here to show off Fleur’s AMAZING bedroom because I liked how I made it. Check out dat badass Spongebob bedding, man. Can't get cooler than that.
Oh, and that person in the thought bubble? Another one of her Imaginary Friends, I presume. I certainly don’t remember her meeting him.
Fleur wanted to make lemonade in the middle of the rain and thundering. Whatever, gurl.
A nice townie child was walking by and I had Fleur stop to go greet her so she can make some REAL friends, but alas, the girl doesn’t like vidya gaems! Everyone in this house LOVES Entertainment, they have maxed interest in it. Except Julia. She has zero. Lol.
Let’s just say goodbye to this vidya gaem hating girl and we’ll be on our way.
Needless to say, I don’t think we’ll be seeing her again.
Teethy McMooMoo ate the bandanna hobo wearing the blue jacket. ]: -adds to cemetery-
Fleur: Hey, Cassius~ I made a drawing especially for you~! :D It’s you riding a llama, see?
Julia: -is beginning to have suspicions that Fleur isn’t right in the head-
Sydney: So fluffy~ <3
ANARCHY: -is so fluffy-
Guh, I can't help but find it so freaking cute when toddlers cuddle pets.
Ewan: Because I should probably explain this, you’re like this half-vampire human thing. No, no, no, don’t get any ideas. You’re not some fail baby vampire thing with a crappy name that sounds like a shoujo-ai pairing. It’s uh… wait, you’re not listening, are you?
Fleur: -is so totes not listening-
Ewan: Why don’t people take me seriously? ;_;
I’d love it if you two could drop the conversation subject. Now.
I do not appreciate siblings discussing over whether or not their family members are hot. Dx
Ewan wanted to throw a birthday party, it’s first thing he has ever rolled a want for the kids, so I let him.
Both Julia and Sydney’s pics are out of order because I forgot to take their pics while I was giving them makeovers.
Julia: Yeah, uh… Sydney, never get close to that girl there. She tried shoving one of our classmates into the streets. Her parents are still pissed about that incident.
Sydney: Seriously?
Julia: Yup. You should become BFFs with me instead, because I’m obviously much more sane and better than she is.
Fleur: -is in her own little world- Whee~ I’m a bunny rabbit, bounce, bounce, bounce~ :D
Speaking of bunny rabbits.
Natalie: Those people, ugh, they clearly didn’t understand the ~vision~ I had for that montage. /:
Sydney has mad Creativity skillz due to always drawing on the table thing during her toddlerhood. It’s like, almost maxed. In fact, it's the same with the other two kids. Hm, I prolly should have put a different skilling item somewhere...
Julia: Wow, I never knew that winning could be SO MUCH FUN~!
Fleur: NooOOOoooOoOOOoOooOoOO!
Uh, I wouldn’t… bounce on that bed. The sheets are probably invested with all sorts of… uh… yeah…
This is the sweetest interaction ever, I swear~ <3
Since all Sara was doing is being lazy around the house, I got her a job in Politics to keep her occupied as the kids don’t really need her around anymore. Not that she did anything anyways. |:
Bfwha? But he’s Perma-Plat now(forgot to mention last update), that shouldn’t be happening. I tried it with another Thinking Hat and got the same results. I woke Sara up so she can come downstairs and test the Thinking Hat too. It apparently works on her, but not on Ewan.
Ewan: I don’t get why it’s okay on you and not me. ]:
Sara: Because your brain must be broken.
Ewan: …
Guh, now I need to have him skill without the hat, so annoying.
… Fleur? Please tell me that the vidya gaem incident didn’t drive you to pursue this want. D:
o wait Ewan actually does like llama gaems.
Sara: I better be getting money for playing this game with you.
Ewan: Shhh! This requires ABSOLUTE concentration.
Sara: Suuure…
The twins are totes close to each other so they have pillow fights in their bedroom upstairs every morning like it's some kind of ritual. Fleur isn’t allowed, Julia thinks she can just stay in her pineapple under the sea.
Ewan: Haha, uh, sweetheart? Your feet are sort of hurting my feet, uh… I have no shoes on and, ow, you do, hahaha…
Sydney: -doesn’t care, wants moar dancey dance tiem-
Sara, being true to her Fortune aspiration, wanted all three chilluns to get into Private School. So here comes the Headmaster. I hope he doesn’t notice the two kids in the middle of a water balloon fight when it’s winter.
Gagh, Sara burned the damn lobster twice since she kept walking away to pester Ewan, I was going to have a heart attack if she messed it up the third time because there is only one Outgoing person in this house and that’s Sydney. I’m not sure if children can schmooze. D8;;
Headmaster: Why did dinner take so long?
Sara: There is a perfectly good explanation for that, and you will hear it from me when I think of it.
They still somehow got into Private School, phew.
Julia: Oh sweet and favorite sister of mine that I cherish dearly~ Over here~
Sydney: ?
Julia gained this obsession where she needs to show off at least three times a day because everyone must know of how perfect she can cartwheel. And Sydney always is so WOO YEAH SO PUMPED about the whole thing.
I’m pretty sure Julia made Sydney her mind slave.
Ewan&Sara: -MAKE OUT-
Fleur: -doesn’t notice a thing- SWEET, I JUST BEAT A BOSS~! :D
Lifetime Want achieved for Natalie~ This incarnation of her demanded the Professional Party Guest job, if you couldn't tell by the earlier chance card scenario.
What’s cookin’ good lookin’?
Fleur Coke
GRILLED CHEESE (I figured she’s kooky enough for it.)
Lifetime Want - Eat 200 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Sloppy/Neat - 6
Shy/Outgoing - 4
Lazy/Active - 4
Serious/Playful - 10
Grouchy/Nice - 6
Turn Ons: Hats, Athletic
Turn Off: Stink
OTH: Games
Fleur: You can’t expect me to want to kiss that. D:
Before I made her aspiration Grilled Cheese, she rolled the want for First Kiss which I locked. Instead of getting someone nice, she got the fug for 5k.
Alright, this would be partly my fault because I am 90% sure that's a BV townie and I hadn't gotten around to cleaning out my BV templates. Just did so now, but the damage has already been done. Shoot.
Lol, Fleur ditched her date to go sleep while he watched over her like a creepy stalker.
I have this awesome knack for forgetting things.
Here's the house I downloaded for the Cokes. It's HUGE but it doesn't lag all that much. A shame I had to delete a lot of the bushes until I realized there's such thing as gardening shears hack that trims them for me. I may or may not re-add those.