Time Off

Dec 25, 2009 16:46

Time off gets old relatively fast. If I have only one task at hand, I find I can't ever get it done. I have a website that needs developing...I'm learning Adobe Dreamweaver from scratch and it is a long, slow climb up a mountain for a computer tard like me. It becomes difficult for me to procrastinate when I have no designs or projects to work on, but I somehow manage to find a way. If I'm experiencing difficulty making some page attributes, I search online for other people's design portfolios and check out their work. If their work is bad, I've wasted my time even further, but if I find a really good portfolio, then I've provided myself with at least another half hour's worth of freaking out and going into a panic attack that my work will not be good enough to compete for the jobs I want. This is very useful in several ways: 1) I've successfully gathered the information about other people's scene design work and stored it in my brain for future reference, when I copy his/her design for my own benefit and pretend I'm more talented than I actually am. 2) While panicking that I'm not as talented as I once thought I was and thinking I'll never have a career and will be forced to retire back to Hannaford (or some such bullshit), I call a friend and walk around the block, which makes my friend feel good that I've confided my fears and trepidation to them and they feel way more important than they actually are, plus I've burned a few calories off my lazy ass. And 3) It's now a half hour closer to my next meal and bedtime! If I happen upon a Broadway designer's portfolio, I can even use it as an excuse to drink myself into a stupor and make my mother drag me off into my room leaving a trail of vomit along the floor.

It's amazing how bored I always become during breaks from school. I always look forward to the semester ending, but then I'm here in New York and I'm just waiting for the next visit to a family member's house or a friend's house. And this time, I haven't pressed my luck with the people who haven't gotten back to me. In the past, if I've sent out an e-mail, a text, and a facebook comment that says I'm coming home and if I don't receive a response, I would have, during my moments of extreme boredom, called a person up and they'd be like, "Oh, YEAH, I TOTALLY forgot to write you back...I swear I THOUGHT I did...I've just been so BUSY, and YEAH, let's do lunch or something." And now I'm like, whatever. I flew here from halfway across the country. If you don't get back to me, I'm not going to break my neck (or a fingernail) dialing your number. You don't get to see me, call me if you ever change your mind. I'm fine just sitting here...bored....kinda doodling on my website...writing random things on livejournal...I'm doing great.

There are always the core people I see at least once every time I visit. My parents, my sisters, Adam and Vince, Jeremy, Shawn and Ethan, and Emily and Luc. I spent Christmas Eve with Emily's family, where we had a ridiculous amount of Italian food and I was introduced to Luc's Disney princess obsession. Clearly, God has a sick sense of humor. He has a castle, which serves as the template castle for all princesses, including Belle, Repunzel, and Cinderella, his current favorite. He has multiple Cinderella dolls which have removeable dresses so you can switch her into her ball gown, her runaway gown, her VMA awards gown, and as Luc calls them, her "work clothes". Really her work clothes aren't that bad looking, it's just a brown dress with an apron. I guess they're supposed to make her looking poor and struggling. If I saw a woman dressed like that today, I'd either not notice or say, "Bitch, I know the economy is bad, but you need to get hand-me-downs that aren't from the early 1800's." I think it would be much more pertinent to make her work clothes like a McDonald's uniform or something, or perhaps some fishnets, a short skirt, and too much makeup. The new Cinderella tagline could be, "She's just a working girl, hoping she'll find her prince before she gets the clap. Don't believe in fairies, girl."

Luc is obsessed...so much so that he had a tantrum once he realized that his Belle was missing. This wasn't anything new; she'd been gone for a while, and he was using his extra Cinderella doll in Belle's yellow dress to hang out with the Beast, who has bad eyesight. He suddenly remembered at one point that it wasn't really Belle, and he FLIPPED OUT. "I want a new Belle! I want a new Belle now!" Which of course wasn't going to happen, but he was crashing from a sugar high and he didn't realize he was tired. Em and Dave have become used to this; around 8 every night he has some sort of fit, like he uses up all his energy by that point, or he's just at that age. In an isolated case, this is perhaps a strong possibility. However, my theory is simple: the next generation is a group of evil demons. My sisters and I all have children who have some odd characteristics. How come all of Kae's children are left-handed? How come Nikki's kids say such creepy things all the time? How come some of them can go into wild fits, while others are often calm and unaffected? How come Nikki's and my kids are all blond? How come so many of the children have blue eyes, when none of the parents do? How come Luc is so sweet and cute most of the time...waiting patiently? Clearly, we've produced the Village of the Damned, and our children will kill us all someday. They cannot be bribed, or pleaded to, or reasoned with...I think not one of them is human. Let none of them near knives or other sharp objects, not because they may hurt themselves, but because they may hurt YOU.

Man, I'm bored. I guess what I can do instead of my website is prepare for the demon-child apocalypse. I've got some research to do. Maybe I'll make a website out of that, to warn other parents...
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