Happy (cough cough) New (sneeze)!

Jan 02, 2010 23:37

I can't sleep. And I'm sick. I was hoping to go to bed early so that I could sleep through my horrendous illness, then wake up bright and sunny and cheerful and full of joy and compassion. In other words, I was hoping this illness was a personality-transforming event. However, go figure, with a runny nose and an overactive brain, falling asleep when ill is more difficult than shoving your penis into an infant egg-laying mammal, although I have done that on occasion. Instead, I am forced to suffer through a large duration of my not-quite-fever-but-feel-like-shit phase. I hope it wasn't from any kind of New Year's activity. I expected a hangover and a good deal of grogginess, but it would be highly unfortunate to think I'm allergic to Kae's family. And I felt I was relatively responsible that night and the day after, which is more than I can say for the woodland animals in my area. New Year's night, I encountered FIVE deer running across the dark road. FIVE! Obviously, they were still drunk and partying and not respecting the fatal nature of back roads. One even stepped out directly in front of me...and by directly, I mean it hid under its Invisibility Cloak on the side of the road and thought, "This car is a Horcrux! I have to stop it with my BODY, then I can drink more butterbeer and act all Dementor-like," then apparated nearly into my windshield. If I didn't have my ninja reflexes, that deer would have been in Deathly Hallows. I don't even know what that means. What the hell is a Hallow, anyway?

Well, the New Year's party was fun, regardless of my physical ailments as a result of my sister's heathen lifestyle. There were more people there that I didn't know than expected, but I saw a lot of friendly faces who remembered me (and luckily not as a small child, which apparently Matt can only remember me as). I met my new "nephew," who's almost my age and a really cool guy, and my old nephew Jack, who is 9, outpartied all of us. The kid drank me under the table in shots, then he smoked me in beer pong, threw up in the back and pushed me down into it. He's CRAZY. I'm pretty sure I saw him hooking up with like five hookers by the end of the night, too, but I can't be sure because it was 6 in the morning and I was dead tired. All I remember is him throwing a few dollar bills on the floor in front of some girl and her crawling on the ground to pick them up. I think he might have done coke, too.

But it's a new year, and I'm starting off strong. A few bloody noses and aches and pains. (NO, I did not do cocaine with my 9-year-old nephew. That's his bag, not mine. I don't do that shit.) I'm still a ways away from finishing and publishing my website, but I actually finally put four photo albums onto my facebook account of my designs, so whoever's my friend there can go check it out...and if you're not my friend on facebook, why the hell not? Get on that! I'm going to delete my myspace account, because I'm so above that now. Pshaw. I'll be acting again in the spring in Midsummer, which is fun, but I'm sure it will only make my teachers hate me more. Oh, well, they can claim to have "taught me well" when I win a Tony and don't thank them. If I have free time after that stuff, I may also be writing music again, as I've recently purchased a new keyboard and have been humming up some new melodies. I look forward to starting fresh with Jordan and working together to be less "complicated." And, of course, I'll be thrilled to see my kitties, Gabriel and Sylar, and gossiping with them about our crazy exploits.

But first I have to get over this cold. I know that I'll be fine when I wake up...my immune system will kill it with one night of rest. I just...have...to fall...asleep... If only. I wonder why God hates me. Probably because I fucked a baby platypus.
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