Idr when the last time I updated this thing was, but I'm guessing it's been a while... and honestly I don't even remember everything I was going to say when I originally opened this window...cuz It's been open for a while before I've actually started yeah... I'm not really sure but I guess I'll go ahead and start writing and see what happens...
Do any of you guys even use this thing anymore?? Just wondering.
I should lj-cut this if I can remember might be long.
So...the good news is I'm over that stupid dude...finally...and it happened kinda like I thought it would...when I found somebody better. I probably should have started writing in here when all that drama was going on though, it probably would've helped me make up my mind and stuff. But was super dramatic and stuff, and then the drama would die down. Then magically reappear when he decided that he wanted to see me or text me or call me again. And it was just crazy...and annoying. Yeah, I loved him...but he really did treat me like shit...and I'm not even sure he really loved whatever...what's done is done, and that's in the past...and I don't care to wonder about what was or might have been anymore.
I have changed SO much this past year, it's crazy. Some for the better, some not, and some is debatable. Lol. But a lot has changed. Part two of good news: I have an amazing girlfriend! We've been together for over 8 months now, since April 8th. I met her in March and we ended up practically living together a little while after we met. =] Been living together ever since then... it's nice. Sometimes we get a little argumentative lately, which is weird because we've never really argued before now...and yeah. Idk...I guess it's just because it's pretty stressful lately and we both have our personal problems that aren't making things any easier. But it's really not that bad. I think we're gonna make it =] I'm just so afraid to screw up and lose her. I've already messed up the one place where I thought nothing would go wrong...and I feel terrible...a couple of friends have tried to make me feel better by telling me it wasn't all my fault...that I was taken advantage of because I trusted these people and that I shouldn't have been drinking that much...especially on a school trip...but yeah...I don't know. I just still can't believe I hurt her. This happened over two months ago too. But yeah...she's great. She doesn't think she is, but I do. She thinks she sucks at life and that she's a loser and stuff. But I really don't think that and I'm trying to help her see that, but yeah. I don't know. I don't think I'm ever really going to be able to help her with that...but I'm hoping that I will be able to.
I don't really want to type anymore but I'll be back later and add more to this.
Jessica Rachel Dunbar, I love you! <3