psychopomp_girl Jul 18, 2009 03:37
travelling show, you know?, bellingham, hopes, visits, me, trips
psychopomp_girl Sep 18, 2008 23:08
beauty, work, me, being, alive, science!, thoughts, walking, bellingham, is this home yet?, seattle, bus station, homesick
psychopomp_girl May 05, 2008 21:55
oddities, nebulous doubts, me, new stuff, piercings
psychopomp_girl Dec 21, 2007 22:58
baking, silly, me, holidays
psychopomp_girl Sep 20, 2007 04:10
humor, birds, the meaning of life, puns, loneliness, me, myself, meaningless tags, debates, selfhood, i, insanity, internal monologuing, mixed metaphors