Nov 29, 2006 23:15
I think I've come further in my opinion of fashion as basic evil. It is nihilism at its worst. Fashion is the valuing of one arbitrariness over another for no reason other than it is fashionable to do so. Why the fuck should I care about the aesthetics prescribed by the present age? It does nothing other than giving a new generation to gawk at and make stupid comparisons as to shoes and belts that give rise to less functional garments so that one might say, "Oh! But this designer has turned that model into art with his ingenuity!"
How laughable. How silly. Who would ever take a silly hat/bikini as art? Art is timeless. Fashion is indulged in time. True, art goes in and out of fashion, but the themes of art return whereas fashion only goes so far as "retro" before the peacocks try to outmatch each others' plumes.
Fashion is nihilism because it denies the lives of those before it as gaudy and ill-advised. Sure, the 80's, 70's, 60's, etc were silly looking by today's standards, but there were people who believed in their cultures that had ever bit as vibrant an existance as those fashionistas of today, if not more so. A beatnik might describe a suit as being square, but at least he tried to understand the core values of that person before pigeonholing them. Now we pigeonhole before even bothering to realize that there is a person in that set of clothes. "A scarf? In this weather? They're just buying anything that Urban Outfitters has, so they must suck." "I guess you're trying to be indie, but you only almost pass off as a rock-a-billy." "Oh, that t-shirt sucks. That band sucks. Therefore, I hate this person I haven't bothered to talk to." What the hell is this but judgemental self-affirmations that we somehow have the world figured out, and views not parallel to our own are invalid?
Fashion is a cruel nihlism. To affirm something meaningless above something equally meaningless and then affirm yet another above what you had affirmed before is life-denying. Such a perspective devalues everything as a passing fad without acknowledging the virtues of one such school of thought.
So stop judging things by people's belts. It's a fucking belt. It keeps someone's pants up. Fashion before function is a bully's technique. It artificially elevate's one's own worth at the expense of others. And while everyone places their own lives above anyone else's, it's still an extremely petty move.