You guys. I own a house.
By which I mean, owning a house is pretty awesome. Cameron and I have been walking around (uh, carrying boxes and stuff) very smugly. It's great. It's so enjoyable! I really have nothing else to say about it. I'm just going to sit here and grin smugly. In the meantime, here are some Greatest Conversational Hits, since Courtney generously came out to help us move & hang out.
Courtney, making a breakfast smoothie with my very, very loud blender: "Wake up, everybody! I made breakfast... FOR ME!"
[argument of escalating ridiculousness]
Courtney: There could be gentle wolverines! Like Ferdinand! He was a gentle bull!
Peggy: Bulls are HERBIVORES. Wolverines are ravenous creatures!
Courtney: FINE. I can see I'm not going to win an argument with you.
Peggy: Okay, FINE. You win this argument. WE ARE NOW TIED AT ONE AND ONE.
(Sadly I cannot remember what this second argument, which I ceded to Courtney, was about. She says we should've taken notes; I say that if we can't remember what it was it was so unimportant that her point shouldn't count and therefore I am ahead.)
[later, after we have discovered an AMAZING radio station in Indy and are listening to a Beyonce song]
Courtney: This song is really beautiful!
Peggy: [distracted] Yeah... me too.
Courtney gives advice to Fake Kid about dating: "You shouldn't put out on the first date. You can't give up your game that way! Boy or girl, the game's the same." Tragically, Fake Kid had gotten out of the car before Courtney dropped these pearls of wisdom (after I denied her request for a curfew extension of "all night." WUT). Anyway. Good advice.
So, life is pretty good. I'm working on culling the stuff that we've moved in/the stuff we haven't moved in yet for items to take to Thrifty Threads (unless I am suddenly inspired to try to host another swap? But I still don't really know anybody that close to my size, so it might all be in vain again.)
How's your living situation working out? Anybody wanna room with Erin in our old house?