Having a roommate is awesome, Part II

May 19, 2006 21:04

Courtney: [opens beer]
Peggy: Are you drinking BEER? Ooh, I will make a boozy smoothie! Wait, that's a terrible idea.
Courtney: Why?
Peggy: ...I'm sick and I have to be in a taekwondo tournament tomorrow?
Courtney: Whatever. It's like 9:00. Let's get WASTED!

Peggy: What happened earlier?
Courtney: Uh... we yelled at each other a bunch.
Peggy: No, something funny. I wanted to put it in my LiveJournal.
Courtney: ...
Peggy: [starts typing]
Courtney: Did you remember?
Peggy: ...nope.

Also, I had Interview #2 today, and I definitely don't want that job. Didn't hit it off with the principal, mostly. And also? Don't want to move to Shelbyville. It was interesting--it was a rural school of about 1,000 students under construction, just like OVHS, but... well, this principal was no Kim Tucker. She was teh r0xx0r.

Anyway, I'm still trying to reach the guy who called yesterday while I was at work--he's from one of the inner-city charters that's expanding up into the 9th grade next year. And I cannot reach him!! I WANT THAT JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB!!!!!!!!!!111111one!BBQ!!!

So hopefully I will get him tomorrow, in between doing my form and getting my butt kicked sparring. Maybe I will also be forced to go to H&M in the mall in between and buy cute yet professional clothes for more interviews??

Also, I'm thinking that we (this includes you, Dear Reader) should all hang out after IndyCup. Let me know if you want me to call you.

* * *

Courtney: You know what a Belgian good luck tradition is?
Peggy: ...to drink a bottle of Chimay?
Courtney: [holds up the cork] No, it's to take the cork from a bottle of Chimay, and your friend's head, and THROW IT AT HER! [throws]
Peggy: ACK! You fucker!
Courtney: Mazel Tov!
Cork: [bounces off Peggy's forehead and behind the TVquarium (still, tragically, un-quarium'ed]
Courtney: Can you hand me that back? It really is good luck to keep it.

good luck, interviews, job search, tkd, courtney, beer, teaching, chimay

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