First off, a PSA with regard to my last entry--
Cameron: I know that's what happened, and your entry is funny, but I sort of came off like a jerk who was ignoring you.
Peggy: No! You were paying me exactly as much attention as I deserved, considering that I was talking to you about fanfiction I wrote when I was 14.
Cameron: Well, yeah. But still...
So, Dear Readers, keep in mind that Cameron is Not A Jerk, even if he does like video games. :D (Now, if he had pulled a Francis, and been on the phone with me, and playing GTA but picking the phone up every few minutes, going "Uh huh," and putting it down, that would be another matter... XD)
In Other News:
Someone please comment and tell me if it was you who first drew my attention to
Questionable Content? I think it was
tuanda13, but I've been wrong before.
At any rate, it is hilarious and reminds me of people I like, for example:
Marla and
Courtney. And also, Marten (the main character) looks really really Jerish until around the 200s, when he abruptly starts to remind me of
jijithecat instead (although I've never reallly thought that the two of them looked at all alike, beyond a basic similarity of eye and hair color). Hm.
And Faye used to look like Sarah to me, but at this point--mid-200s--she looks more like
MBL. This comic has something for everyone! It suggests the logical next step to being a hobosexual:
emo hobos! Even
Matthew and Jason might like it!
...look, I'm going to stop before I just link the entire strip here, OK? But y'all should go check it out. It's AMAZING.
also: icon roll call! I feel that Clare would approve of both of these:
The Aind.