Journal Entry
Ah! My typing skills are deteriorating. I know because of the amount of typos and capitalized letters I type. Here are the common typos I make:
1. The revresed letter type (and I actually made that typo while typing this. >_>)
2. The SEcond letter is capitalized typo.
3. The moving lette rtypo.
4. The missing last letter typ.
5. The letter on the sode typo.
6. The wrong doubled leteer typo (this happens on words like depp).
Programmer's quirk? Or maybe my fingers are getting fat? >_>
Anyway, I've been mostly spending the day troubleshooting and adding more features to the custom
"TWG site I've been developing. It only supports one game at a time right now. It's a prototype so I might develop a larger one when I really get the time. The current game right now is very interesting, to the point I wanna join myself XD If any of you would like to watch how the current game goes, just go to the site and register. You'll automatically be a spectator.
And I forgot to add another typo in the list. It's the extra lettert typo. It's somewhat related to #5 since I hit the other key. I'm too lazyt to learn touch typing soi megh. And yes, for that sentence I didn't bother to press backspace. orz