Journal Entry
Looks like it's that time of the year where it seems that I should get my creative juices flowing. Lately my life has been nothing but work, play, and stare at the monitor all day. One looks for thrills and excitement but most of them fail to amuse me these days. Even those things that you think will greatly lift up your mood end up either doing nothing or just bring you down more.
So maybe, no definitely, I'll be doing one or more of these things within this week:
- Finish TWG Beta revisions so we could start the next game. Seeing activity on the site encourages me to make it better.
- Stick to my failing diet routine. YES, I'm trying to get into a diet but call it procastination or plain lack of self control, but I fail to follow my supposed diet.
- Be more FRANK to everyone so they get the idea the first time. Even if I end up looking "suplado" that wouldn't be my problem. If you're a friend, you know me better.
- Do and finish an Umineko fanart.
- Be more productive. Getting distracted with activities that amount to nothing will just waste precious time, and honestly, I'm doing a lot of those things right now.
- Backup my important files already. I have been procastinating about them for months.
- Stop noticing the smallest things that has the tendency to turn my mood 180 degrees. Yes, I'm a natural paranoid these days.
Ah, out of the desperation to write about something, I end up thinking about my personal rants. These times call for an artwork. Yeah, I think I'll do that for now. Now if only I had a better table to draw on, maybe this artwork will turn out better.