Dear Fandom 5K Writer,

Apr 05, 2019 22:31

Thank you for writing for me! I'm very much into characters with age gaps, lovers that would do anything to help/protect their loved one (whether the loved one wants them to go that far or not), and as it turns out, hotels with lots of murderers.

僕だけがいない街 | Boku dake ga Inai Machi | ERASED (Anime & Manga)
Group: Fujinuma Satoru/Yashiro Gaku

I'm all in it for mind games and manipulation and dysfunctional relationships that shouldn't work but do. I love the weird age gap dynamic of "old enough to be my father" except there's also time travel involved so things get messy. I love the whole part where Yashiro feels completely empty until he fails to kill Satoru and actually stops kidnapping and murdering because he's too busy shaving Satoru's face and cutting apples for him. Most of all, I just really love the idea of neither one of them being able to completely change the other - Yashiro will probably always be a sociopath and Satoru can't stop trying to save people.

Please don't make this too bleak and realistic - it's a dark canon, but it's one where I appreciate a little black humor to it. I'd like Yashiro to also have some manipulative ambiguity; please don't make him nothing but a psychotic monster. And I would prefer not to see Satoru paired with other characters, since it's not why I'm really drawn to this fandom.

DNWs: Nominated character death, animal harm, extreme underage (16 and up is fine), bodily fluids (blood is fine), unrequested pairings involving nominated characters.

AU - Canon Divergence
  • Yashiro isn't been stupid enough to try and murder a kid in the hospital that everyone knew he was connected to and as a result, Satoru's plan fails.
  • Satoru never regains his memories and Yashiro plays the doting former teacher, trying to figure out if he's faking since he wants to know exactly how Satoru knew his future.
  • Satoru and Sachiko move before Yashiro can become Satoru's teacher. One day, Satoru meets the politician Nishizono Manabu and feels a strange connection.
  • I'm very much into brainwashing, mind fucking, and Stockholm Syndrome, so anything with Yashiro screwing with Satoru's mind to get him to love him would be fun.
  • There are also a lot of possibilities with Satoru's relative helplessness throughout the series - drugging, forced bathing, dubious consensual activities while Satoru is still recovering.
  • And of course, kidnapping, since that's always a fun one - Yashiro is fond of luring Satoru away and keeping him captive would be the next logical step.
  • Satoru's part of one of those secret government experiments for psychic abilities and hey, it works, because there's this really nice entity that wants to help him out. Sadly, it's Yashiro, so it's going to end like these experiments always do: very messy.
  • “There's nothing wrong with it,” his boss says, but Satoru is starting to get the feeling that the latest android in their android theme park isn't behaving normally. Yashiro just smiles and tells Satoru he wouldn't hurt a fly. (Or a fellow android?)

人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Group: Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū

I love these two dorks together so much - the utter obliviousness of SY to any subtle narrative cues until it smacks him on his head and LBH's unwavering devotion to his Shizun no matter what he gets put through. I love how they go through hell together and finally realize just what they mean to each other beyond protagonist I have to stay on the good side of/master I owe everything to. I love their long shiny hair, their awesome robes and swords, the existence of immortal binding cables for Very Important Plot Reasons, and all the things that make this such a wonderful kinky hurt/comfort fest.

I'm cool with these side pairings - SJ/YQY, MBH/SQH, and even unrequited (or brief) LQG/SQQ, as well as minor character ones. I'd ask that you not use the original LBH/SJ pairing, however, and I'm not that fond of the twinSQQ headcanon so please don't use that either.

DNWs: Nominated character death, animal harm, extreme underage (16 and up is fine), bodily fluids (blood is fine), twinSQQ headcanon .

AU - Canon Divergence
  • SY's body takes longer than normal to summon back, and as a result, LBH has had a while to solidify his demon king status. Naturally, Shizun assumes he'll be greeted by a harem. Naturally, he's completely wrong.
  • When SY does his dramatic swan dive qi explosion, it should end in death. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't. Fortunately for LBH, it means he now has an alive Shizun in his clutches to take care of and obsess over to his usual degree.
  • “You really didn't read the revised version where LBH's dad shows up not to destroy the world, but to make sure his precious son was becoming a good demon king and that his consorts were up to the task?”
  • This is a world where there are whips, canonical bondage, and people collapsing into other people's arms. Bless you, Huan Hua Palace.
  • I would also take LBH and SY both being injured by someone - rival cultivation sects, rogue demons, nature itself - and both insisting that no, they're fine, really, shouldn't the other one be lying down right now?
  • “You can't cure everything just by sleeping with me.”
“We won't know until we try, Shizun,” LBH said, as his robe dropped to the floor.

  • SY is pretty sure he downloaded into a body way above his paygrade, but he can't just let CQ Corp know the error, not with the System threatening to erase him if he reveals their mistake. At least he has an assistant to foil the attempts on his life, even if that assistant is a little too eager to dismember the would-be cybernetically enhanced assassins.
  • It's not that he didn't enjoy watching Cosmic Crossings, but suddenly finding himself inhabiting the body of the aloof first officer is a little much for SY. At least, I'm not a red shirt, he thinks, right before the ensign screams his name and tackles him to the ground, ripping his clothing in ways that increase certain demographics.

John Wick (Movies)
Group: John Wick/Winston (John Wick)

I'm so worried (and prepared) that the third movie will totally sink my ship, since it looks like a whole bunch of people will die, which is the way of the world in John Wick. But I really love Winston and John together - there's so much backstory that you really only get hints at in the movie and it's clear that Winston's willing to do favors for John. I mean, he gives him a head start at the end of the second movie, instead of just gunning him down like he did with the other rules violator, so that says something. And I love Keanu Reeves and Ian McShane and their wonderful chemistry together, and the very nice suits they wear and how badass they are shooting people in them.

So the third movie will come out after sign-ups but before deadline - I'm just asking for fic based on the first two movies in the series and I'd prefer not to have concrete spoilers for the third (speculation based on trailers is fine).

DNWs: Nominated character death, animal harm, extreme underage (16 and up is fine), bodily fluids (blood is fine).

AU - Canon Divergence
  • Winston doesn't really want to excommunicate John so he negotiates a different kind of punishment that he's sure will get the message across to him for breaking the rules of The Continental - and John doesn't get a choice in determining whether or not he wants it (read BDSM and mind-fuckery).
  • Helen didn't die, but John's marriage fell apart anyway. Winston has to pick up the pieces and bring John back to something resembling the man he once was.
  • John ended up working at The Continental and while Winston appreciates his service and loyalty, he's beginning to wonder if John's wasted there. John, however is just trying to get Winston to realize that he's not just there for the room service.
Getting Together
  • John walks in, all scruffy and fresh-faced murder, and Winston thinks, "That is a delightful young man I will be clearly exploring sexual relations with as soon as I get him properly equipped and tailored." Then there's makeovers, and weapons training, and at some point, sex happens?
  • Maybe Winston was the one that recruited John in the first place? How did he look at the pretty young man (hookerfic?) and think, “Yes, he will totally make a feared assassin that will cause people to want to flee at the sound of his name.”
  • Or after all is said and done, and countless assassins have bit the dust and the High Table is pretty much no more, John Wick comes back to The Continental and asks if he might spend the night in the owner's suite.
  • John gets hurt an awful lot, and is rather bad about getting treatment for it. Winston, on the other hand, is thinking about just tying John to the bed for a month so he can finally get some sleep.
  • Winston gets kidnapped in a clear violation of the rules of The Continental, and while the High Table is debating on how to handle it (or if they should at all since gasp! One of them is in on it!) John just goes ahead and rescues him.

American Horror Story: Hotel
John Lowe/James Patrick March (Hotel)

I'm still deeply in love with these two - the time I had with them together on AHS was brief, but beautiful. In the span of one episode, I went from, oh, I guess I could kind of see this pairing, to holy crap, the show is going to places that I want to go. I mean, we had drugging, mind-fucking, literal grooming, “you can't die until I'm done with you,” portentous talks about death, and a proud Evan Peters at the end staring at Wes Bentley like he just invented the wheel. So wonderful and so short-lived that I would love to see more of it.

I'm okay with the canon het relationships featuring James and John being acknowledged, but I'd prefer them to not really have much focus. I'm also fine with the characters being ghosts that linger, but I don't want one of them disappearing for good (or even one day a year).

DNWs: Nominated character death, animal harm, extreme underage (16 and up is fine), bodily fluids (blood is fine), unrequested pairings involving nominated characters.

AU - Canon Divergence
  • James' successor wasn't John, but some nobody that screws it all up from the beginning. James would be more disappointed if it wasn't for the fact that the investigating detective is just so ripe for the picking.
  • John's a detective in the 1930s, and discovers what James is up to. He should arrest the man for his murders, but he's too busy getting fucked (mentally and physically) by the man to do so.
  • “It's only fair, darling,” James says to Elizabeth, “that if you get to keep a pet in this hotel, so do I.” He lowers his fangs to the sleeping man's neck. “And John is so very well-behaved.”
Getting Together
  • It's another day in the Hotel Cortez - tourists are being lured to their gruesome demise, Elizabeth has just kidnapped another kid, and John's passed out in one of the rooms. All in all, boring, which is why James decides to seduce John to make things more interesting.
  • John made it back to the hotel right after he got shot, but now he's not sure what to do with the rest of his ghostly life. James has a few ideas and some very persuasive ways of illustrating them.
  • John gets injured during one of his murder excursions, but not fatally, and goes to the Hotel Cortez to get patched up. Cue the drugging, bloodplay, and dubious standard of medical care.
  • It turns out some psychics are more powerful than others and one of them manages to partially exorcise John. James takes care of his protege, and gets some rather suitable revenge on the interloper.

Deus Ex (Video Games)
Group: Adam Jensen/David Sarif
I love the two of them together - I'm very much into the boss/employee, quasi-paternal relationship they have going on, and when you mix it with “oh, yeah, and I turned you into the next evolution of humanity without your consent,” well,consider me sold. There's just so much deliciousness to unpack - the pride Sarif has in his greatest creation, the resentment Adam feels mixed with his dedication to Sarif (at least in HR), and the whole question of betrayal of trust that hangs over the two of them. Factor in  cybernetic parts capable of some pretty awesome things (and increased stamina) and there's a recipe for some really hot, probably guilty sex.
I'm not into other pairings, so please don't include them (references to past Adam/Megan are fine, but don't make it a focus).
DNWs: Nominated character death, animal harm, extreme underage (16 and up is fine), bodily fluids (blood is fine), unrequested pairings involving nominated characters.
AU - Canon Divergence
  • Adam never gets together with Megan, and as a consequence, Sarif doesn't learn about him through her. Does Adam still quit the police force and end up working for Sarif, or do they meet some other way? How would things play out if Adam was gravely injured through other circumstances?
  • Teenaged Adam stumbles into a younger David and as a result, Sarif has access to Patient X much sooner. Sarif takes him under his wing - after all he needs to protect his most valuable resource - at least that's what he keeps telling himself as Adam practically starts living with him. He mentally reminds himself to keep it from Darrow.
  • It turns out that massive cybernetic augmentation may have a few side effects - like amnesia! It's sort of hard for Adam to say he never asked for it, when he doesn't even remember his life. Sarif sees the advantage to it, and guiltily rationalizes maybe Adam doesn't have to know everything.

Getting Together
  • Sarif's just hired his new head of security - and he must admit that Megan has excellent tastes. Adam's loyalty only sweetens the pot. Soon, David's wondering just how far that loyalty extends and if it's worth possibly irritating his top researcher by making a move on Adam.
  • Adam sides with Sarif after Panchaea - and things still fall apart (thanks, canon). Two years later, they finally talk again and this time, Sarif's not going to wait another two years to make amends (and his move).

  • In the days after the Tyrants' attack and Megan's “death”, Adam's falling apart. Sarif knows he should leave him alone to get used to his new body, but he can't just sit by and watch, especially when he knows how to “fix” things.
  • Adam gets in over his head dealing with an anti-augmentation group. He should be more annoyed, waking up in Sarif's place, considering how they left things the last time, but instead, he strangely feels... safe.
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