Nov 10, 2006 20:52
hmmm...there has been alot going on with me that I have not reported in a while. No one particular should actually read this but since it is my lj.....
I' lost. i want to draw but i'm not sure if it'll make a good living or even if i can make a living. I want to move out of this house sooooo badly, but i have no one to move in with and i'm not ready to move in with lamar, not that he asked or anything.
speaking of him....everyone's opinion of him is sort of on a scale, ya know? lynn doesn't like him, therefore shaun ( lynn's boyfriend) doesn't like him. Shawn my sister still likes him but doesn't like the drama he brings.... i dunno... I like him so that's all that matters right? i mean that's the only thing that counts....right???? I love being with him...I HATE his ex...she brings to many issues but whatever. I'm sort of on edge about the whole thing. I really haven't had any "me" time for a while...and I sound like a broken played out record but it's the truth.
I've never actually gone out to do anything. and it's starting to get to me not just mentally but physically too. i look like a fucking pregnant cow. lol. I'm broke, tired....STRESSED...and my mother's husband is talking about putting me out in January....huh...yeah whatever.
I just need to move out after Perimeter. Like...someplace in the middle of nowhere.
BUT....for the most part i'm okay. I mean, i'm not okay, but i'm not toooooo bad. lately i've been having this notion to be married. my prince charming can come rescue me from my hellish life and put me in a castle with a dog named "HERO".
but on a fairly beautiful note: Lindsey is blossoming in love which i think is wonderful! she needs to lay and be laid and be in love. Go loo hoo! you deserve it! well actually you don't, but who really does?! THAT WAS A JOKE! lol. Just return the sentiment in roses...
peace eazy~