i will lean into you, you can be the wind

Aug 03, 2008 23:25

By the end of september my shop will be sold. I'll be working for the construction company buying it, working in their existing cabinet shop starting late this coming week. Then lay the groundwork to incorporate my shop in their operation. I'll get paid more, learn new skills and have a lot less responsibility. The way it all worked out is a small miracle, but it feels like another defeat. Everytime our shop was on the verge of being successful there was a crippling blow that dropped us back to the beginning with more debt than the last time. I'm sure that as this unfolds i'll feel better about it.

Melanie and i are starting to date outside of our relationship and meeting nice people who think we're hot. It's a great feeling and the conversations we've been having around it have been really good. In my dating i've rediscovered my trait of turning simple connections to intense friendships that often sets sex on the back burner until a friendship/relationship is defined. It has been frustrating in the past but now without much investment it's really opening. Naturally or ironically, Melanie's old propensity for casual sex has taken on this same quality and we're on parallel trajectories right now.


you've put fragments
in your voice
stuck in my head
driving a pitched breath
stopping to start a new rhythm
i can't remember the words
it calls me but not back
scraping paint on the back of a mirror
every time it sounds familiar
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