The marninade that won't cop out

Jun 27, 2010 19:44

Today I decided my iPod is woefully underfilled. At just over 100 Gb, there's still 80 gig teasing me, so I ripped  box sets to iTunes. Well, except for the Genesis ones that have already been done. So that's:
  • Maurizio Pollini Collection - 13 discs
  • Coltrane - Impulse Sessions - 8 discs (actually already had these ripped for an MP3 disc but didn't have them in iTunes)
  • Coltrane - Complete Village Vanguard recordings - 4 discs (as above)
  • Enz to Enz - 11 discs of Split Enz goodness
  • YesYears - a mere 4 disc anthology of Yes, which I ended up listening to most of as well
Which beat the crap out of watching 22 overpaid pansies running around after a ball, which seems to be what everyone else was doing. It's a good job I've learned a bit of German because according to Facebook I have way more German friends than I had ever realised! Just waiting for the pubs to start stocking decent beer and we'll be grand.

I then made dinner, which consisted of new potatoes and pointed cabbage, served up with some nice pork steaks which I marinaded in my top sekrit BBQ sauce (actually toasted sesame oil, white balsamic vinegar, soy, chopped chili, garlic, ginger, honey and dark brown sugar). Preparing the marinade to the sound of Isaac Hayes' Theme From Shaft was particularly satisfying in a guilty-pleasure kind of way and I recommend it to anyone. Damn right.

In other news, my good friends Graeme and Orla became parents yesterday, which was great for a number of reasons; not least that when they announced the pregnancy I decided that the very nice bottle of Tobermory 15 year old Graeme gave me as a gift for ushering at his wedding would be saved for this occasion. And very nice it was too. Right up there with the extraordinarily lovely surprise present from tiggereh  and family of a bottle of 1995 Jura I received last week in fact - where the Jura is a stunning example of bourbon cask aging, the Tobermory represents for sherry maturation - two very different and absolutely beautiful drams in one week!

food, german, babies, whisky, music

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