I know there are a few talented photographers who read this blog so I ask for some advice.
I'm looking for a digital camera that works straight away and dosen't take 3 or 4 seconds to take a picture so that by the time it has, it's all blurry. I tend to take pictures at parties, and increasingly views and things with a view to painting them and then pictures of the paintings themselves for website purposes. I am wondering if the delay issues are inherent in the style of camera I've been using (point-and-press digital around the £150 mark) and whether or not I need to move up to a basic digital SLR. I'd have to have one that would do all the fiddly stuff for me at least to start with though. I guess my requirements are:
- Easy to use
- FAST to take picures
- Autofocus
- Zoom, but doesn't need to be mental.
- Built in flash
- Possibly some sort of motion-control (I shake a lot and tend to get blurred pics as a result)
- Good battery life
- SD card format preferably because that's what my computer will take.
- Reasonably cheap (around the £300 mark)
I've spotted
this, and my mate who's bought the model up seems very happy with it. Any thoughts from the balcony?