(no subject)

Jan 02, 2010 23:37

My New Year's Resolutions : Because I need them. And I update my LJ INfrequently enough to be able to constantly check back. LOL.

- Lose weight. Just a couple of kilo's. Then maintain it. Because I've put on a little through this month of holidays, so I need to lose it. Hahaha. S'L talking about weight. Something new, eh?
- Redistribute the fats. They're all going down to the thighs and bum. It's genetic. LOL.
- Get >95.0 TER for SAM. Anything that will get me into Columbia/Melbourne/Queensland/Wisconsin-Madison (If I want to do Biomed)/Princeton (Because they accept SAM)
- Write more, and write BETTER fanfic. I've never been so involved in a fandom. It helps with writing practice.
- Rock at Bio and Chem. Oh, and Econs.
- Make sure I practice Maths every. single. day.
- Draw more. Try realism. Get a tablet.
- Get my driver's license. Woohoo! No bribing, either! Accomplished: 18/3/2009
- Do ALL my coursework/homework/whatever.
- Find time/arrange to play squash with buddies/alone weekly.
- Exercise.
- Write awesome application essays that will get me into the American uni I want.
- Save money

2008 was fulfilling. It was harder than any year I've had. Whether I've come out on top is actually, not for me to judge. There's change like there is every year, but I'm sure that, because of 2008, I've changed more to become me.

Happy New Year, everyone. Eventhough it's in only 15 minutes.

new year's resolution, life

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