It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

Sep 09, 2008 20:42

Lately I've been so hateful and negative.

Just today I've had several hate-filled moments.

I hated that guy who was cruising along in the passing lane at 65 mph, forcing me to pass him on the right.

I hated that girl who got the job  instead of me because she's "more experienced".

I hate that I cut my hair and now it's like a giant frizzball instead of the sexy golden curls I used to have.  Even though I always wore it up, so no one knew they were sexy curls...

I hate that I am having a hard time finding a job.

I hate that when I complain about not finding a job, Dave points out that I'm not really trying all that hard so I shouldn't be complaining.

I hate politics a lot.

I hate plastic and I hate oil.

The last two hates are based on the content of a book I've been reading- The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman. It's about how long it would take for the world to recover if humans just suddenly peaced out.  I can't really say too much about the book yet, as I'm only about halfway through.  The concept of people peacing out is pretty sweet though.  It won't take long for our cities and infrastructure to break down and be reclaimed by plants and animals and stuff, but there are some lovely little elements we leave behind that will take eons to disappear.  One of these elements is plastic and the other are oil refineries.  Basically, if humanity disappeared tomorrow, no one would be around to maintain the oil refineries, so they would all end up burning until all the reserves are spent... and in the process, releasing tons and tons of toxic crap into the air all at once.  Yum.

I'll try not to be such a wanker next time I write.

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