So, a few pics I've had stored over a small amount of time, but they led me to think:
I think I've posted about this before, but it led me to think a bit more deeply about it (well, "deep" being the relative term that it is). Call it an observation. There's a new bank opening up on Central across from the museum. It was a last a multi-eatery. Meaning it had a coffee shop, Haagen Daz(sp?) counter, Nature Table-esque eatery and one other, bagels or donuts. I can't recall. No matter, if you look at the next two pics, it leads me to believe that it may have been a bank once upon a time, based on the extended cover behind the building.
The funny thing is this: What made them decide to use this joint? I mean, it's a cool enough building with the lobby being predominantly enclosed in glass, and it offers the potential of a drive-through service whereas there isn't one at all anywhere in Downtown O-Town proper. Given that, it would seem that the street-to-be-on would be Orange Ave, given that you have probably what, 30 banks between Anderson and Colonial (10 to 12 blocks span). To be included in the prestigious seat of Orange Ave, there's currently a bank building that now sits empty, which I believe it to be on the corner of Orange & Central.
It's got that old-school feel of being a building in existence for the past 60+ years. There a bit of style and design to the building that modern-day steel and glass just can't compete with, imho.
Speaking of banks on Orange, TD Bank recently opened shop:
And it appears they're going to build a new building in that empty lot on Pine & Orange (remember the coffee-cup grafitti?). Looks like it'd be a nice brick & mortar style building, even if it's only a shell.
I'm not entirely certain who would risk signing on for a lease before the building has broken ground, but wtvr.
And for your entertainment:
"You see this beignet? I'm 'bout to tear it up"