(no subject)

Nov 09, 2006 00:44

I'm hiding in my room.
This may seem odd, but the noises coming thru under the door tell me that Lizzy and Jas have FINALLY decided to clean the kitchen themselves for once - seeing as it isn't my mess I'm refusing to help this week.
However this means i have to stay in here and pretend not to notice them cleaning very loudly. Its alrite - i can tell them i was taking a power nap.
I do feel a little bit mean forcing myself to stay in here and not help, and i feel really unlike myself, but hey this week it is time to say "It is not my problem".
Besides i have a funny feeling the rest of the 5am crew are helping.

I attempted to go to sleep at a normal time last nite - unfortunately it seems like I'm most awake between about 8pm and 2am at the moment, tho that isn't really an excuse for being awake till 6am on Friday nite, 5am on Saturday nite and then half 6 on Sunday nite. But me n Becky watched Titanic on Saturday night - yes that is how cool we are, I actually love that film. And you cannot stop Titanic in the middle. Unfortunately we didn't start it till about 1.... and it is a 3hr and 15mins film (we forgot that) so u no....
But anyway I've been sleeping FAr too late. Missed my Maths Lecture on Monday AGAIN tho it isn't a big deal coz I've done it all before and u can get the lecture notes online, its still bad to get into bad habits and I've now missed it 2 weeks running, and next week I'm missing it coz I'm still in Birmingham. Tuesday I was just knackered and wasn't concentrating in my Lectures coz I'd fallen asleep at about 3... not my fault that time tho coz the 5am crew got in early and kept me awake... tho I mite have got round that if I'd tried to go to sleep before 2.
Then last nite i thought "Right i have a Tutorial that i have to be conscious for at 9am." So going to bed at 11 sounds like a good idea. Gives me 8 hours sleep while leaving an hour to be woken up at 5 for.
However, i can no longer get to sleep before 1. I just don't feel tired. And i generally wait till I feel tired to go to sleep. So me n Becky were sitting chatting in the MESSY MESSY KITCHEN (which is hopefully gonna be sparkling and clean when i next go in) And i wasn't tired so I didn't realise how late it was. Then suddenly Becky says "Oh its half 12. I have a seminar at 10 so i'm gonna go crash."

But I was asleep by 1 i think....
And i managed to get up for my tutorial. And i was alert and participated and everything.
And i was actually 5mins early for it. Which was soooo weird coz i knocked on the door but no1 answered but i was convinced i could hear computer tapping coming from inside so I knocked again and went to push the door but it was locked, so that confused me even more.
Then Some bloke asked me whether i was looking for "Professor Wells" , Which i wasn't, i was looking for Alex Hudson, so he said "Oh I've seen him about, you should try his office". Which considering I was actually standing outside his office is probably the most useless comment I've received during my time here at Bristol. Seconded only to Tom telling me my finger was bleeding when it was quite obviously bleeding. So then I said "That's why I'm standing here" and the blaoke obviously had NO IDEA that this was Alex's Office.... so he had a good laugh about that. WHat was so funny I ask??? Stupid old man. So he wandered off.
I have a meeting with Alex on Friday, at 9:30... my first lecture would be at 10 so its kinda lame that i have to get up early just for a meeting. Its just a "How's it going meeting" But i wanna look intelligent so I'm gonna think of stuff to ask him b4 i go so i dont just sit there and say nothing the whole time.
Coz otherwise that's what I'll do... and I'll look stupid... again.

Tomorrow I have a lecture at 9.... so i should go to sleep early. Only i have pharmacology prep that i'm not inspired to do which... will take a while and it is kinda now quite late to start it. Argh why am i so poorly motivated???????
Just hang on till Friday then i'm going home and i can see my lovely lovely friends and have a break and get motivated to try all over again.
I dunno..... I'm gonna talk to my tutor and say that I'm not convinced abobut the course. I know you can't tell much 5 weeks in but.... its just not inspiring me to try. Which is a major no no really.

Rite really gonna go do this pharmacology prep.
And btw I'm wearing earplugs atm (yay no more waking up at 3am hopefully) and i can't even hear myself typing this. Its amazing.

Luv Sarah xxx
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