Jan 11, 2009 03:27


Well, that was a mixture of things. "Painful" would be included. I wish I was kidding when I say that by the third day, Sam and I were dying, and we felt like we had no will left to continue, though it did pick up later. By the end of the week, I began to crack, and now I can't stop making- haha, I said crack. Gah, see, there, just I did it!

Well, there were ups and downs (, I did it again), but despite the pain and all the last-minute rushing at 2:30 every night, it was still pretty fun and a cool new experience. Can definitely say that I am a huge noob, which so didn't help, and I really didn't do any research (because that's exactly what she would have wanted me to do! Also I'm stubborn), which I guess bit me in the ass in the end. Kind of like the way Eric bites people (because he's a zombie) except more like karma or just desserts.

I really like some of the final products, though. Sam was a freaking genius, of course (best wedding story ever!), but I still managed to surprise myself. Of course, I ran into the same problem almost every freaking night, spending waaaaaay too much time on buildup. You'd think I'd have learned over the week, but the problem arose time after time. In my defense, we did get home around midnight for the past three nights, so we didn't have that much time in the first place. Still, I probably should have jumped right into it and stopped "wasting time" (even though I wasted it on something rather vital anyway). Luckily, if we end up doing this again for fun, we won't be stuck with time restraints.

XD I don't think I've gone to bed once this week before 3:00, at the earliest. It's an absolutely horrible habit to get back into, especially when school starts back up in a bit over a week. But either way, I don't regret doing this; it was fun, new, challenging, and an overall interesting experience in which Sam and I both learned some very interesting things. (Aside from the dissapearing clothes and chocolate chip thing. ;P).

The week was otherwise spent pretty much just lounging around, and finalizing registration for my last term.

My schedule's fairly awesome, now. Unfortunately, I didn't know that for English, Huamnities, Gym you could actually look on the main site and find other options that can fit your schedule aside from the ones automatically given to you. Unfortunately, since I only learned this from Ryan just as the Science program was registering (and they're the last to register), only shitty options were left, so I didn't get anything too great for Humanities. Was able to get Katz back for Creative Writing, but for my theatre class I'm not able to have Fred again, which is kind of dissapointing even though he hadn't really impressed me last term. The class I'm in instead ends at 5:30 with teacher TBA. Since it would fit my schedule, I'm going to see if I can switch into his class once the year's begun - I know him, will probably know more students and will end earlier.

On Thursday I backed up my computer for the first time since...ever. Since all my stuff wouldn't fit on one CD, I'll have to finish later. That night we went to Eric's house since his parents were out of town. Sam came over a bit early, and mom had Sam force my to finally finalize my schedule - I really didn't want to lock it. D: We were going to watch the live action Super Mario Bros. movie (very cute movie my dad got ages ago), but his VHS player was broken (just like ours XD) so we instead watched Edward Scissorhands for my, Eric and Ryan's first time. Ryan didn't understand who the old woman was at first, and I only teared up when she said "you can still catch me dancing in it," which was just aww. Swieca swung my legs onto his lap when he first arrived, and XD he's so cute - when it got to the sad parts he leaned against me making his light sobbing sounds he makes when he's not really crying. I swear I'm not wrong, here! Also Eric's house is creepy and like a mix of both my grandparents' places - mainly grandpa's.

Friday night I went with Sam, Jana, Shawn and Cartmen out for Chinese, Shawn having invited four other people we didn't know. It was all cool in the end, though; we didn't go to the place Shawn had intended on, we took ages to decide if we wanted to stay, figure out what to order in all the confusion, and we got a bit too much in the end, but it was still absolutely great. Everyone was really cool and fun to hang out with - I'm sure we interrupted many meals that would have been pleasant otherwise! XD After we finally figured out how to pay we went for bubble tea at the place I usually go to with cosplayers, chilling, playing Bullshit with two decks in one ("well, Sam, if Jerry were here there would be two queens!" XD iluShawn), and writing a huge crackporn that included Mandibles (and her sexy mandibles), Bubbles, a zookeeper, a forest of cocks, a blow-up doll, a 12-inch (tall) Shawn and everybody else. Especially the Ravin' Ragin' Caijin Asian. Very awesome evening. ^^

Jana invited us over on Saturday to celebrate the fact that Sam's back in black Illustration and Design with video games and such. At the same time, however, Ryan had invited us to his place to watch Airplane 2, having seen and LOVED the first one the week before at Geordie's house. The dilemma was soon resolved, however, through going to Jana's in the afternoon and Ryan's at night.

With Nick unable to show, it was just Jana, Eric, Sam and I (as usual XP). We hung around her kitchen for a bit, joking around and eating dogs wrapped in that Pilsbury dough (we're so mature XD) before heading upstiars to play Left 4 Dead, which Sam and Eric have been obsessed with since Sam got an Xbox for the holidays (also a Wii). I strongly dislike zombie games and first-person shooters, however, and though it was tempting, for about four hours I just sat watching. And while it was cool to finally learn the terminology (BOOM-ERRR), it was fairly boring, and I was simply dying near the end. I really should have given it a try, since playing's always more fun,, just not my kind of game, I guess. I do think I'm losing interest in video gaming in general (my ten-year-old brother has probably played on my Wii three times more than I have) - that or I just need to find games that are more "my stle," whatever that is.

Anyhow, Jana wasn't feeling too well - probably because of the Chinese the night before, and she had to run to the bathroom every so often. At first she wanted to come to Ryan's anyway, but eventually we got her to just come with us to the mall for dinner (her picking up groceries afterward and not telling her parents she ate with us) before we headed to Ryan's, my accidentally hitting a large piece of ice on the side of the road on the way there but somehow not making a dent. It was my first time at Ryan's in a loooong time (never been there for a Saturday night), and jeez his house has changed and o.o his room is plaaiiiin. Airplane 2 was, as with many sqeuals, not as good as the first, but it was still rather amusing (though I had already seen part of the second with my dad). Afterwards we watched some Simpsons, and I started to get a headache. Also wanted to leave around 11 so Sam and I could finish our stuff on time (OMG HUMILIATION FOR MR. DANA :D), but Ryan kept insisting on more taped Simpsons and SNL (pretty sure what I got was a migrane at that point since I had to use my purse to block the light as we watched, but XD the election stuff was good *little late on the bandwagon*). My headache was raging, but we were unable to locate painkillers (thank goodness Naomi got home around 11 and got them). We forced Johnny into learning Bullshit (X3 he hates card games) and played a round (this time we just said "popcorn" instead of "cockmeat sandwhich," though ;.;) before we finally left around 11:30.

I think he really enjoyed having us over, which was nice, and it would be great if we could go over there more (preferably when I don't have a headache). We spent like nine hours staring at screens, and he wanted to turn it on for background noise later, too, which was more than enough, non merci. Though this was one of the few times at anybody's house where we had snacks - he gave us chips (mmm, carpet chips *is graceful*) and...water bottles cuz they're too high-tech for cups. Also motion-sensor lights in the basement. Interesting.

Anyhow, my headache was pretty much gone by the time I got home, and for the second night in a row I finished with less than twenty seconds to spare. HAH. Prepare for the worst, Eric. >3


friends, writing, r-rating, movies

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