Sep 09, 2011 02:24
So, this is just a brief message to people who follow my fiction; everything is on hiatus until further notice. Whilst moving across the country this Summer something inside my computer appears to have become dislodged or damaged and I'm not currently able to access any of my files. It's not sending any signals out to the monitor (which definitely isn't the problem). I'm not sure what the issue is yet but I'll be taking it into the shop soon because it's possibly my graphics card (or worse) my motherboard. Everything I've been writing recently is inaccessible at the moment and I'm borrowing a relative's laptop so I won't be able to finish or post anything. I'll keep the situation updated, but don't expect anything out of me for a while. Sorry.
EDIT: Computer is up and running now, touch wood. Everyone be a druid and touch wood for me, it's good luck. However, what I said is still semi-valid. I am writing but not as much as I would've liked to this Summer because on top of moving and unpacking etc. I've been sent a mini-project to do for university, and I have a week to finish a sketchbook/final thing. Though I'm aware that I'm completely incapable of showing emotion, please know that I feel like a total failure for the sheer amount of time its taking me to write this effing story. I'm really, really, really sorry.
Please note that I will update (eventually) when things become a bit less crazy in my life. Ugh. Thanks for reading~!