Open letter to all Conservative MPs

May 03, 2011 11:36

To all Conservative MPs,

Firstly, congratulations on your win. Though I am disappointed in the result, I must commend you all on a finely run campaign. Unfortunately, I am concerned that with a majority in the House of Commons, there will not be anything to moderate the CPC's legislation. It's a difficult thing to ask, but I have to ask you to be the moderating voices for your party.

I remind you all that you are first and foremost representatives of your local ridings. In many cases, your constituents almost overwhelmingly voted for candidates that were more progressive than the CPC. These are the people that you are representing, so please try to remember them when it comes time to vote in the House.

This coming parliamentary session will doubtlessly see many controversial bills up for vote. And I'm sure it's also going to see the CPC whips working overtime to ensure they pass. Please read the bills. Please think about them. Think about what's being used to justify the bills. Think about whether or not those bills will be best for Canada. And don't be cowed into toeing the party line by the threats that the party whips hold over you.

Don't be afraid to vote your conscience. Because your conscience is what is now governing this great country of ours. All of our hopes and fears now rest in your hands.


-Psychedelic Bike.
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