Open letter to all opposition MPs

May 03, 2011 11:19

Dear opposition MPs,

Every non-CPC person in this country has just suffered a crushing defeat. Because of the idiosyncracies of our First-Past-the-Post voting system, we now have a majority Conservative government, elected by only 40% of the voters.

When facing a majority government, unfortunately, there is not much that an opposition party can do other than talk. As long as the CPC whips do their job (and, I assure you, they will), any bill that Stephen Harper wants passed will pass in the House. However, I still plead for you to do the best you can for this country. I'm going to make three requests of you:

1. Don't let Harper pull the wool over our eyes. In the past couple of years, the minority Conservative government has done as much as it can in secret. We cannot let this continue. Please, use your parliamentary privilege to discover what they're doing. And please, release this information to the press as publicly as possible. With the CPC wish to eliminate the press gallery, and with Harper's reluctance, nay, refusal to answer tough questions from the media, it's up to our opposition to keep the Canadian public informed.

2. Don't roll over. Even though a bill that comes to a vote can be passed by the CPC whips, there are things that you can do before the bill gets to a vote. Debate furiously. Debate logically. Debate publicly. Let the Canadian public know what's wrong with each of the bills, why you disagree with them, and how they could be made better. And, for particularly onerous legislation, please don't be afraid to filibuster.

3. Be there. Historically, votes in the House of Commons have an absenteeism rate of 20-50 MPs. If there are zero opposition MPs absent, it only takes 28 CPC members absent or abstaining to defeat a bill. Please make every effort to be in attendance for every vote. I am positive that such a voting record will put you in a favourable light amongst your constituents in four years, when we have another chance at the polls.

I implore you all to stand strong and stand together for this country.

-Psychedelic Bike
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