ikahana forced me at gunpoint, thereby making me the last person on lj to do last 2 entries have both had memes in them - scary thought...
Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: pimento cheese
you can't get more white trash than this (well, you can i suppose but i can't), but it was a childhood favorite & it was my daily lunch for most of the past 4 years
Literary: little lulu comics i don't really have any guilt over reading little lulu, as i've praised them time and time again in here, but one day i was leaving work while clutching a paperback of lulu stories and i noticed people pointing and laughing - so now i try to obscure it when i'm carrying it around...perhaps my biggest guilt is that i don't read enough these days to have an actual literary guiltAudiovisual: russ meyer films i tell you that i love the absurdities in his plotlines and his inventive use of the camera and his outrageous style that has never been duplicated (the "fish dance" in vixen = greatest scene in cinema history), and none of you believe a word of it - fine, well be that way!
Musical: the hit singles of 1986 specifically i'm thinking of the outfield's "your love" & nu shooz' "i can't wait", as i actually bought both of those LPs a few years back (for 10 cents, granted, but still) - thankfully both of those songs are "side 1, song 1" numbers so i can quickly throw them off the turntable before anyone notices
Celebrity: naomi watts actually i have no crush on naomi watts (or anyone else off the top of my head who could count as a celebrity in 2006), but i remember being turned on during "that" scene in mulholland drive - then again, i think at the time my mind was just scrambling for something it could understand, so i think i subconsciously heaped extra attention towards the goings-on
Now I tag:-
art_mania bomuld brg30 dream_sleep and
tinto_catstar to complete this same Quiz, Its
HERE. i highly doubt any of the above will participate, as i think their accounts have all been dead for a couple of years at least, but maybe this is the zombie call they've been waiting for...
not much else to say, its way too early to be up on saturday morning but here i am regardless - A-chan's being fed in the next room, the VCR is recording charade on TCM right now (its been used a lot this weekend - already taped north by northwest & lolita, and am planning to tape the graduate & a fish called wanda before the weekend's through), and i'm finishing the first of many cups of glorious lavazza to come...
welsh music lovers! euros childs has a solo album out this week in the UK - and richard james will have one later this month apparently - the end of gorky's zygotic mynci? if so, does that mean
hippieatheart and i saw their last show in america 2 years ago?, there's approximately a billion albums out there that i need to buy - is it responsible for a father to go on a triple-digit mailorder spree?
oh, lastly, inbetween the last post i made and this one, i turned 30 - kind thanks to everyone who remembered, eternal hellfire for those who didn't - i mean, i wrote some long navelgazing entry all about the fact, so you have no excuse...there, i've had enough guiltiness in this post, so i'll thrust it all on you instead!