I've had lots of thoughts the last few days, but they're kind of jumbled together in one big mess in my head. Attempting to unravel, then:
1. Everyone should read this:
Own Your Awesome. Just go, read it.
Diana Gabaldon on fanfic. Seriously?! Her stuff is hardly worth the effort it takes to get out the door to go find it, for shit's sake. She's since
issued another post, but it's a useless bit of internet, if you ask me.
3. I was feeling queasy this morning. I still am a little bit, but at least it's better right now. I really think I need to work on what and how much I eat every day, because this is getting ridiculous.
4. We registered the boychild for a summer camp. He goes in July for a week, about 2 hours north of here. It's a Christian camp, but more on par with what we were hoping for, AND it's $245 (as opposed to the asinine $400 and up being charged elsewhere). I still think $245 is pretty ridiculous (that's STILL more than we spend on groceries in a month!), but it's MUCH easier to swallow.
5. We found a church we're going to try this Sunday. Thoughts will be forthcoming.
6. Dear Coworker:
Every single time we schedule a training session, you agree to it, then are gone or schedule a doctor appointment for the same time and don't bother to tell me. I am sick to death of your stupid, selfish games and the union isn't going to protect you much longer when you keep abusing every privilege you have.
My patience with you is absolutely gone, and you are very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very times INFINITY lucky that I need this job, or I would have slapped you silly a long, long, long, long, LONG TIME AGO.
Get over yourself, stop behaving like you're a victim and STAY AWAY FROM ME, because I have HAD IT.
No love - not even any LIKE -
The One With Whom You Really Should Have Made An Effort
P.S. Oh, and our mutual supervisor and manager? They're on MY side, you ignorant cow.
7. I can't even begin to explain all the things that make the aforementioned coworker an absolute NIGHTMARE to work with! My tolerance level is shockingly low to begin with, and she's so far beyond it, I can't even look at her without rage just burning a hole through my brain.
8. Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called Everybody, and they meet at the bar. DREW CAREY.
9. Yesterday was Star Wars Day - May the Fourth be with you! *LMAO* I know I'm late with it, but all the same-. ;)
10. I should probably have put all this behind a cut, but I just can't be arsed today. Sorry. I still love you all. ♥