4x16: Mr. Yin Presents.

Feb 27, 2011 19:13

 4x16: Mr. Yin Presents.

Abigail Lytar
Gets called “the girl next door” by Yin.
Is tied to the pier where Shawn stood her up on her first date.
Says her trip to Uganda was awesome.
Says Shawn makes her laugh and feel a little bit crazy and that she could fall in love with him.
Says she’s just not cut out for this. She wants to make a difference and inspire people, but she can’t do any of that if she’s dead.
Says Shawn should call her if he ever stops chasing the psychopaths.

Buzz McNab
Asks Abigail about Uganda. Calls her “Miss Lytar.”
Looked dazed when Juliet was kidnapped
Solves the “find me” Yin puzzle.

Chief Vick
Calls Shawn in on the waitress death.
Is upset when she leads Shawn to the body

Burton Guster
Shawn says Gus has a strange aversion to Rene Auberjonois. It’s a Benson thing.
Is scared by the shower scene in Psycho but Shawn just smiles.
Was described in Yang’s book as “laughing on the outside, crying on the inside, the fastidious wrinkle in the brow of Psych.” She also said he had “skin of pure cocoa velvetiness” and that she would like to use that skin to make children’s dolls.
The waitress calls him “dollface.”
When he and Shawn went to the diner with Mary he had had milk and apple pie.
Wanted to know what happened to his twenty dollars if Mary didn’t pay their pie bill
Says Yang is going to hell.
Claims he can smell the scent of crazy.
Defends Psych to Chief Vick.
Figures out that the clues will be found in Hitchcock films.
Grabs a small stick to protect himself from Mary.
Is Canada lee in Lifeboat.
Plays chess on Sundays with some Jamaicans in Northwest Park.
Remembers which night Abigail gets in from Uganda.
Goes into the dark to rescue Juliet, taking her gun
Mentions the snack machine has bugles.
Grabs the clock hand to save Juliet
Calls Shawn as soon as they rescue Juliet

Henry Spencer
1989: Doesn’t believe Shawn really wants to see little mermaid
Henry is Sean Connery in Marnie
Accepts the job Karen Vick offered him so he can stay on the Yin case
Spoke with Shawn’s mom, Maddie, who is at a conference in New York .
Reassures Shawn that they’ll rescue Abigail.
Henry’s swiss army knife is much larger than Shawn’s (penis joke)
Talks to the cops so Shawn can spend time with Abigail.
He and Shawn bond over saving Abigail
Cleans the painted “O” off the psych window.

Juliet O’Hara
Expresses regret over the death of the waitress.
Immediately discerns that Gus knows the dead waitress.
Gets called “the femme fatale” by Yin.
Is Kim Novak in Vertigo.
Names the Northwest Mall.
Has a terrible poker face.
Is in shock when Gus and Lassiter rescue her. Refuses to be treated by the paramedic, but eventually lets Lassiter hug her, when she cries.

Carlton Lassiter
Smiles uncomfortable and steps away from Mary when he compliments his ears.
Tells Juliet to arrest the kid who buzzed him with his plane as he ran through Northwest Park (recreating the scene from North by Northwest).
Calls Mary a degenerate when he thinks he’s Yin.
Protests that he doesn’t have the luxury to ignore a lead in a crime scene when Shawn balks at getting involved in the Yin case.
Is impressed by the department having snipers to cover them at the warehouse scene.
Is Rod Taylor in the Birds
Leaves to save Juliet against Chief Vick’s objections
Sacrifices his gun to save Juliet
Makes the paramedic go away from Juliet so he can comfort her.

Mary Lightly
He invites Shawn and Gus to go for pie at Moderne Burger. He orders cherry pie and coffee.
Says he would buy a doll made of Gus’ skin.
Has a theory that Yang wasn’t working alone. Says yang wouldn’t have had time to arrange everything , including the projectionist, by herself.
Lives in Santa Barbara now and has been there since they caught Yang.
Shawn suggests he didn’t give racquetball a fair go, and he replies he will not wear short pants.
Shawn wishes him luck in the creepy arm grab awards this year, thinks he has a real shot at winning.
Was the last customer in the diner. Couldn’t find the waitress to pay her, so he folded Gus’ twenty dollars “into a tiny sailor’s hat for a special friend.” (His mouse - likely the mouse from the original Yang case)
Argues that Yin will be the opposite of Yang, namely, chaotic.
Calls Gus gustus.
Compares Buzz to the bailiff from night court.
Craves sweet sweet marshmallows.
Found the note from Yang on his doorstep with a can of Matiz Gallego sardines in olive oil. It took every ounce of willpower not to open them up.
Gets a thigh spasm and can’t run any further across the park.
Has a lot of sardines in his house and doesn’t clean up after himself.
Has a shrine to Shawn & Yang in his closet.
Has pi written on his wall.
He and Shawn have a familiarity with one another now that reflects their ordeal with Yang.
Is a fully ordained minister.
Was happy that Lassiter “totally manhandled me.” He dropped his shoe.
Is concerned about Shawn when he doesn’t come to the park.
Says his mother gave him his first haircut when he was nine.
Likes being included in Shawn’s plans.
Picks things up with his fingertips
Says Lassiter “is all ears” and “it’s spectacular.”
Went alone to try to catch Yin because he wanted to be heroic. Says he was relying on the element of surprise. Brought a flare gun to protect himself.
Asks if they have racquetball in heaven and Shawn say I know they do. Dies holding Shawn’s hand.
Only three people go to Mary’s funeral.
Deleted scenes Mary does a Jamaican accent.
Deleted scenes: Castillo multiplex, Mary has seen Man Who Knew Too Little.
Deleted scenes: Mary says his trousers have never been washed because he likes things soft.
Deleted scenes: Mary watches cartoons

Shawn Spencer
1989: Tells Henry he wants to see the little mermaid in theatres on a Friday night without Gus. When Henry questions Shawn’s movie choice Shawn claims Henry wants him to grow up too fast. Sneaks in to see Psycho at the Alfred Hitchcock film festival.
Yang ‘s book introduces’ Shawn on page 11 as a “thick-tuffed boy genius who ice skates through life on polished blades of snarky eloquence.”
He and Gus attended a triple feature at the theatre. He was twenty minutes late for Psycho, and had clearly seen it all before. Says all he cares about is the shower scene.
Spills Yin’s drink in the theatre.
At the diner he has banana cream or lemon cream pie. Has no drink.
Suggests that Mary just can’t let Yang go because studying her was a big part of his life.
He and Gus didn’t know that Mary lives in Santa Barbara. Never wants to see Mary again.
Gets an autographed copy of Yang’s book inscribed “For Shawn, couldn’t have done it without you, xoxo, Love Yang.” Says Bruce Campbell’s book was better than Yang’s.
Says he’s starting a new bit: completely random untrue trivia. Claims Hitchcock was completely obsessed with women’s Japanese household slippers, and wore them everywhere, even to bed.
Stays up late re-reading Yang’s book just in case Mary is right. (growing responsibility) Has a nightmare about Psycho.
Refuses to face Yang again.
Suspected Mary was Yin. Finds a book in Mary’s apt that includes the letters they’ve received, which he thinks are first drafts.
Has circled the date of Abigail’s return from Uganda on his calendar.
Invited Mary to accompany him and Gus to the prison where Yang is being held.
Is Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window. Does a terrible Jimmy Steward impersonation.
Said the only way he can’t be there for Juliet is if he knows Gus is. He thanks Gus afterwards.
He and Henry carry Swiss Army knives.
Calls Abigail “sweetheart” when he sees her.
Says Abigail inspires him. Says the face that he and Abigail are on the pier again has to mean something. Offers to compromise with Abigail and meet her half way on everything.
Blames himself for O’Hara’s kidnapping
Can swim.
He and Gus wear racquetball outfits to Mary’s funeral.

Her book is called Yang: The Whole Story From Serial Dater To Serial Killer. How Murder Kept Me Skinny.
Is in solitary confinement in a mental institution. Shawn thinks that is redundant.
Gets overly stimulated by color.
Has an imaginary friend called Reginald.
Says she only gets 45 minutes of exercise a week. Says that aside from shock treatments exercise is all she has to look forward to.
Says “If you think I’m sick, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” referring to Yin.
Claims that Mary creeped her out.
Says she has “the googly eyes” for her guard but that she (the guard) is playing hard to get.
Flirts with Shawn, saying they allow conjugal visits but they’d have to get married first.
Drew Abigail on the pier on the inside cover of the book she sent Shawn.

Was wearing ankle weights like Mary when he was in the movie theatre to trick Shawn’s recall and lead him to the wrong conclusion.
Lured the cops to 736 La Porte Avenue, Industrial Lane.
Says both girls (Abigail and Juliet) are both so Shawn.
Has a photo of Yang and a young Shawn.

4x16 mr yin presents

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