In our last episode...

Dec 31, 2008 17:41

When we last saw our little hero Cullen he had all sorts of good news. We are now in the last stage of his hospital stay. He no longer has a Pic Line in his arm or a Feeding Tube in his nose. He is nippling 100% of his nutrients. No more force feeding!!!

The last leg of his little journey is an eight hour fast. The purpose of this is on the off chance that a feeding is not on schedule it is imperitive that he be able to maintain his blood sugar long enough to the next feeding, and the doctor said 8 hours is the length of time "normal" babies can last with out their blood sugar taking a hit. His first test was last night and well he failed it fabulously by having his first check be below the line the doc set for OK blood sugar. (Nothing to be worried about because during the fast they are constantly checking blood sugar levels, and are ready to immediately respond, so he is in no real danger.) They accordingly have adjusted medication levels. Then we are waiting 24 hours to try again, so we are now in rinse, lather, repeat until we get it right mode. A bit nerve wracking but after he passes the test he comes home.

So other news: If you work for the state and your spouse works for AISD take the insurance offered to state employees! We will be saving close to $300 in monthly premiums for our little guy. Also if you work for the state or AISD thank your lucky stars that there are no lifetime maximums. Hooray!!!

I need to chill out because last night I was getting reved up for a fight with the insurance company that was not needed and ended up giving myself a BP headache. My those are a real treat. I managed to calm down enough to make it go away, and when we checked it at home it was on the way back to normal. I also attribute last night to a bit of worry about Cullen passing his test. I'll be keeping a closer eye on this over the next few weeks, and will be scheduling a doc visit here in the next week or so.

All in all everyone is ok. (Sorry about the lack of posts, however we had family in town and by the time we got home from visiting the guy we were too pooped to peep.)

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