OK, kudos to people who can diet. I'm very tired of not looking forward to eating - it does nothing more than stop me from feeling hungry. Totally stalled at 190 for like 10 days now, don't think I'll be going below this. However, I do sleep better, and feel better, and I'd bet tests would show that I'm healthier inside (cholesterol, etc). But there has to be a way to get all that without - well, hating it. And feeling frustrated that I'm trying so hard and it's doing shit, and then being frustrated that I'm frustrated.
It snowed last night. It's beautiful out there.
Last member of my team at work joined on Monday - I now have 5 full time people, one for each focus needed for an ecommerce team - and 4 interns. And we're kicking ass. Just got an email yesterday saying that we're now included in yet another "Top" listing, this time for Social Media, which is something I've worked on since I got there, changing it from "something that we have to do because everyone else is doing it" into something that drives traffic, revenue and customer satisfaction - something MEASURED and reported on. Shocking to the rainbow and unicorn and "its all about the connection" crowd, I'm sure. So that's THREE "top" listings plus a great award for online customer service since I got there - people are happy with me and they actually tell me - I can't tell you how much I appreciate that.
Kids both registered for their classes next semester - and both have no classes on Monday and Friday. What the hell are they going to do with 4 day weekends every week? Well - Kelsey is doing it to do an internship at the NE Aquarium. Tyler is probably doing it to play video games.
Speaking of that - Wreck it Ralph - SO much fun. Went with Tyler and 2 of his friends, so all of us spend the first part of the movie recognizing games, freaking out and pointing. So glad there weren't many people in the theater. If you see it, stay through the end (if you're a gamer) - cute stuff.
Don't know why I'm feeling so blah.
Sunday - 11/11/12 - 1 year. It's a big deal. Well - to me, even if people don't understand why.