Sep 24, 2012 18:19
Feeling blah. Headache. And really really tired.
Work was a bit nuts today with launching a new online catalog - I tested the crap out of it, but when I knew it was "live" I was feeling so panicked - it was strange. It was way easy to set up - I think that was part of it - NOTHING is easy to set up. It's probably not going to do much, but it's a breakthrough in terms of moving the brand more to the mix of paper and digital that it needs to be, and I'm proud of how it looks and the basic functionality I could get for free, and it will give me insights into whether the better platforms are even worth going to. And some people loved it.
And others blasted it the second they saw it, without asking purpose or cost or intention or anything, not a SINGLE. FUCKING. GOOD WORD - just condescending and critical.
And I'm in the mood that apparently only the bad sticks, and it's eating away at me and I feel sad. And annoyed because the worst came from someone I can't say I respect but who I have to listen to due to that person working with my company for a while - so not worth the angst, so what's up.
Maybe I'll just go crawl under the covers and tomorrow will be a better day.