Finally a date

Jul 08, 2009 09:10

9/11/09 at 7:30am is my scheduled date for my surgery.  Got my preop appt. with one doctor, and they're sending me a whole set of documents and helping me out with pre-registration at the hospital, and a consult with the anesthesiologist - I need to get a printout of the article from Fibromyalgia Aware that I read about in the last issue - a woman went in for exactly the same set of procedures I'm going in for, and she worked with the guy to make sure that any flares that are initiated by this process are minimized as much as possible by forethought.

However, the other doctor, the uri-gyn - I emailed to ask if I need a preop with him too, and they couldn't give me an answer, instead gave me a number to call to check with the surgery scheduler.  Uh huh.  This should not be a tough question.  They did mention a test that looks horrifying, called a urodynamic test.  Um.  no.

Kelsey turns 17 on Friday.  She asked for one thing - she wants me to let her get her belly button pierced, and she wants me to take her and go in with her.  She did all sorts of research on it, found out the dangers, problems, things to avoid, etc.  I was suitably impressed.  My initial knee jerk was NO FREAKING WAY.  Then I questioned it, but I mentioned it to Glenn last night, and yeah, not gonna happen.  She can do it when she's 18.  I am trying to figure out what the issue is - it's better than her nose being pierced, or an eyebrow, or something - what made both of us immediately say no.  I think it's the whole sexual being thing - I mean, lets be frank - you don't get one of those unless you're looking to be sexy.  I think I can come to terms with that and understand it at this point, and I'd consider this...but I think that expecting her father to do the same is a little hard.

Getting the garage door fixed Friday, the spring on one of the sides snapped - thank god no one was in the garage at the time, it looked violent.  THey're going to replace both springs to keep the tension equal - thought it would be a LOT, only $150, yay!!

Job is still amazing.  Feel well entrenched, very accepted, and incredibly depended on.  Making some waves with some changes that need to happen, but trying to be gentle.  Also starting to interview for a position that reports to me, first interview is Friday...4 people coming in, 2 have already worked for me.  I'm excited.

Tired today, although I fell asleep early last night - just feeling a bit drained. 

surgery, fibroids, fibromyalgia, piercing, work, kelsey

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